"At the beginning of the new year I wish to extend to each and all best wishes for serenity and peace.

of hope effective, practical, we need us and need our brothers. Last year marked by economic crisis, has produced new forms of poverty, not only economic but also moral ones, which have undermined the hope and product sadness, despair, disillusionment.
Renewing hope, then, means first of all, contact with the year beginning, prayers, thoughts and deeds to all those people who have lost their jobs, they and their families we express our solidarity and closeness, together with the 'call to maintain the momentum in their projects and continue to hope that a different future is still possible. We feel strongly our responsibility to that effect and multiply the forms of charity and commitment to protecting the dignity of life for our brothers.
renewed hope is to dream of a true peace, true brotherhood of the human family and strive for it. First of all within ourselves honestly say "enough" with the spiral of violence that degrades man. The violence of war to us geographically distant but close in spirit as that in the Holy Land, but also those we see every day, the mafia violence that reveals itself every day into attitude and injustice, illegality and various forms of contempt for others. Starting with each of us, renew our commitment to a civil and respectful co-existence of man, especially to those who live the stories of migration, alienation and loneliness. We share stories of others and commit ourselves to promote the rights and duties of citizenship .
the wake of the Pope's message for World Day of Peace, entitled "If you want to cultivate peace, protect creation, and renew the hope is to motivate seriously the protection of our environment, because" its preservation has now become essential for the peaceful coexistence of mankind. " I must recover the sense of "covenant between human beings and the environment, which should mirror the creative love of God, from whom we come and towards whom we are journeying. "
also means renewed hope to renew, as Ac, the call to lay down their weapons of political struggle in favor of a dialogue that is constructive and truly turned to the common good. That there is no more rhetoric of "emergencies" of this country, from employment to protect the poor, dialogue with the new generations to the theme of social inclusion, the protection of life to those of all forms of creation.

Finally, renew hope, family membership, is to take seriously, in our ways of learning, the appeal Pope's to practice "a profound cultural renewal [...] rediscover those values \u200b\u200bwhich constitute the solid foundation on which to build a better future for all." cordially wish that personal projects, family and community come true and be blessed by the Lord wishes to heart because the commitment to evangelization and the formation of consciences will always draw new impetus and new motivation from intimacy with the Father! ".
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