Dear brothers and sisters!
In this Sunday - the second after Christmas and before the new year - I am pleased to renew to all my best wishes in the Lord!
problems have emerged in the Church and the world, as well as in family life. But, thank God, our hope does not even count on improbable predictions on economic forecasts, but important.
Our hope is in God , not in a general sense of religiosity, fatalism or cloaked in faith. We trust in God and in Jesus Christ has revealed a complete and definitive in its desire to be with man, sharing his story, to guide us all to his Kingdom of love and life . And this great hope soul, and sometimes corrects our human hopes.
of this revelation speak to us today, in the Liturgy of the Eucharist, three extraordinary richness of the biblical readings: Chapter 24 of the Book of Sirach, the opening hymn of St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians and the prologue of the Gospel of John. These texts say that God is not only the Creator of the universe - an aspect common to other religions - but who is Father, who "chose us before the foundation of the world ... He destined to be for his sons" (Eph. 1:4 - 5) and that this has come to the point of being incomprehensible man, "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us" (Jn 1:14). The mystery of the Incarnation the Word of God was prepared in the Old Testament, particularly where the Divine Wisdom is identified with the Mosaic Law.

Wisdom herself says: "The Creator of the universe made me pitch a tent and said," Make your dwelling in Jacob, and in Israel receive your inheritance '"(Sir 24:8). In Jesus Christ, the Law of God is a living testimony, written in the heart of a man in whom, through the action of the Holy Spirit, is present all the fullness of the Godhead bodily (cf. Col 2:9).
Dear friends, this is the real reason for the hope of humanity: the story makes sense, because is "inhabited" by Divine Wisdom .
Yet the divine plan is not achieved automatically because it is a project of love, and love of freedom and generates calls for freedom. The Kingdom of God is certainly, indeed, is already present in history and, thanks to the coming of Christ has already conquered the negative force of evil. But every man and woman is responsible for welcoming him into their lives, day by day .
Therefore, 2010 will be more or less "good" to the extent that each, in accordance with its responsibilities, will cooperate with the grace of God Thus let us turn to the Virgin Mary, you have to learn this spiritual attitude.
The Son of God took flesh from her without her consent. Whenever the Lord wants to take a step forward with us toward the "promised land", the first knock at our hearts is waiting, so to speak, our "yes", in small as in great choices.
Mary help us to always accept the will of God, with humility and courage so that even the trials and sufferings of life work together to hasten the coming of his Kingdom of justice and peace.
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