Benito Mussolini

After the war he founded the fascist movement (March 23, 1919), in 1922 after the King march in Rome asked him to form a new government in 1924 consolidated his power thanks the outcome of elections. M. after the murder of Matteotti, who had denounced irregularities in the elections by the anti-fascist parties in the crisis but will not profit, M. came up with an act of force. The speech to the chamber (3 January 1925) and the measures below (read fascist) upset the structure of the liberal Italian state. He was born the cult of the Duce. Concluded an agreement with the Church, with the Lateran (the Church recognized the Italian state and its capital, which in turn recognize the state of Vatican City, Italy also agreed to pay a great bonus to repay the Pope of loss of the Papal States, was also devised an arrangement that undermined the secular nature of state), domestic policy was conservative. The pin on foreign policy was nationalist claims, tried to be the focus of international events, sometimes with success, such as when attempting to German annexation of Austria, and when promoted the conference in Stresa with Britain and France where it seemed to be born an anti-German front, but things began to change when he conquered Ethiopia, which put him against the English and made him spend large amounts of revenue to the was also made some army units fighting alongside troops of the German army in the English Revolution, allowed without opposing the Anschluss and the persecution of the Jews, his fate is tied increasingly to that of Hitler.
In 1939 war broke out, M. despite twenty years and had available in spite of his own speeches Italy had not prepared militarily for a war, it sought not to enter immediately into the conflict, declared "no-war", it was decided only when German victory seemed at hand, obviously it was not so and the failure of the first parallel war (he meant to fight against England impegnadola fronts in non-German), then also one on the side of Germany, in addition to the lates Allied landing in Sicily on July 10, gave the pretext to the Grand Council of the Fascism to approve an agenda against him was July 24, 1943. A few hours after the King took advantage to regain power, had him arrested, he was taken first and then to Ponza Maddalena finally to Gran Sasso, where he was freed and taken to Germany by German paratroopers, just days after the armistice of the Italian Government (September 8, 1943). M. return to north Italy to found the Italian Social Republic (or the Republic of Salò) who tried to revive the fascist myth but it was too late and Germany showed signs of slowing down. In the last months of the war he was seen rarely in public, once I dropped the Gothic Line 'to take refuge in Milan trying to come terms with the National Liberation Committee, fearing capture he fled to Como and then go to Switzerland, although he was dressed as a soldier in a column of retreating Germans, it was recognized at the checkpoint after a partisan summary process was shot (April 28, 1945), his body was displayed in the square in Milan with his partner and some Fascist leaders, then after many hardships he was buried in Predappio.
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Maresc.Pietro Badoglio
was born in Grazzano Monferrato, today Grazzano Badoglio, the September 28, 1871 from a family of farmers. He entered the Military Academy of Turin, was promoted to Lieutenant in Artillery and Lieutenant November 16, 1890 August 7, 1892. Moved by the 19th year in Florence, remained there until February 1896 when he was sent to Eritrea with the expedition of General Baldissera. He participated in the Adigrat to bet on liberated from the Maggiore Prestinari and then ended the hostilities with Ethiopia, stayed for about two years in garrison on the plateau, with the Adi Caieh. Repatriated at the end of 1898, he attended the War College, distinguished by a balanced intelligence and great tenacity placed in the study. Promoted to Captain July 13, 1903, was transferred the 12th year from room to Capua. Later he was assigned command of the corps of Bari and in command of the body of Staff, Office regulations. A career so far, while accelerating the war in Libya, which Badoglio participated from the beginning. In fact it was decorated for Valor for organizing the action of Ain Zara and promoted to Major on the war for planning the occupation of the oasis Zanzur. Repatriated, he was assigned to 3rd from Fortress stationed in Rome. Lieutenant Colonel February 25, 1915 was assigned to command the 2nd Army. Shortly after the start of the war came under the command of the 4th Division, whose area was Sabotino dominated by a mountain devoid of vegetation and heavily fortified by the Austrians, which had been considered impregnable. Badoglio had the idea of \u200b\u200bwiping out using the procedure of parallels. The work to dig trenches and the subsequent increase lasted for months, Badoglio, promoted colonel in April 1916 and became Chief of Staff of the VI Corps, continues to direct and command of the brigade who made the conquest of Sabotino August 6, 1916 . Promoted to major general on the war, he continued in his role as chief of staff until November, when he took command of the brigade Cuneo.
In May 1917 he was given the command of II Corps few days before the beginning of the 10th Battle of the Isonzo. The II Corps won the Monte Vodice Kuk, considered almost impregnable positions, and of course bought new Badoglio merits, so that the commander of the 2nd Army, Capello, 11 ° in the next battle designed to control the body of the XXVII. He was promoted to Lieutenant General, again thanks to the war. Badoglio XXVII continued to control the body and it was in its sector on the morning of 24 October 1917 the Austro-Germans broke through and started the defeat of Kobarid. Badoglio was appointed Chief of Army Staff General together with the Garden. A tireless worker, very professionally prepared, Intelligent and strong-willed, Badoglio soon became the highlight of the new Supreme Commander, and when, in February 1918, the general was sent to Versailles Garden, and only became Deputy Chief Diaz's alter ego. He led negotiations for the armistice of November 4, 1918 with balance, with firmness and elegance. On February 24, 1919 Badoglio was appointed Senator. In August 1919 the Supreme Command was dissolved Badoglio but continued to hold the post of Deputy Chief of Staff. In September, the President appointed him special commissioner of the Nitti Government for Venezia Giulia and sent him to the River, occupied by Gabriele D'Annunzio and his volunteers. On December 2, Badoglio, promoted and appointed Army General Chief of Staff instead of Diaz, he returned to Rome. In February 1921 he left the office and joined the Army Council. In 1923, Mussolini sent him as ambassador to Brazil, but in April of 1925 was recalled to Rome and appointed Chief of General Staff, a position then combined with that of Chief of Army Staff. Promoted to Marshal of Italy in 1926, from 1 February 1927 he left the post of Army Chief of Staff to General Ferrari. He was sent to Libya as Governor-General in January 1929. Fully positive experience: the colony was started with a peaceful and civilized development with the implementation a broad program of public works. Called home at the end of 1933, in November 1935 was sent to Eritrea as Supreme Commander. Triumphantly entered Addis Ababa May 5, 1936 Badoglio almost immediately returned to his country, and received with great honor by awarding the title of Duke of Addis Ababa. Load of honors and benefices, Badoglio did not dare to leave the post of Chief of General Staff when Mussolini expressed a wish to go to war alongside Germany. The first crushing defeat in North Africa and Greece Badoglio made the scapegoat. Faced with accusations of incompetence, especially by Fascist circles against him, resigned. Subsequent events meant that Badoglio, anti-fascists approached by some politicians (Bonomi, Soleri, Orlando) to demonstrate its readiness to assume the Presidency of the Council and to end the war. On July 25, 1943 Badoglio became prime minister in that capacity and managing the phases of the armistice. After leaving Rome after the announcement of the armistice, Badoglio went to Brindisi with the king and remained on the Presidency of the Council until the liberation of Rome. The June 8, 1944 gave way, in fact, the task to Ivanoe Bonomi, a politician who had been prime minister since July 1921 to February 1922. He retired to private life, died at Grazzano November 10, 1956.

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Galeazzo Ciano

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Rodolfo Graziani

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Dino Grandi
Italian politician, born in Morden in 1895, was one of the founders of fascism and militant actions carried out in Emilia squads against men and branches of the socialist movement. He was Undersecretary of the Interior and Foreign Affairs (1924-1929), then foreign minister (1929-1932), ambassador to London until 1939 and then Minister of Justice. Member of the moderate regime in 1943 orchestrated the fall of Mussolini, whose position was weakened by military setbacks of the Italian army. It was great to present to the Grand Council of Fascism (in session between 24 and 25 July), the order of the day asking the king to fully resume his duties as head of the army, in fact discouraged Mussolini: The document, approved majority, Vittorio Emanuele III offered political support to resign and stop Duce. Department was able to escape the death sentence imposed on those responsible for the fall of Fascism by the tribunal in Verona in the Republic of Salò in 1944. He died in Bologna 1988.

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