Roosevelt and England's Royal
The murderess was immediately arrested, was sentenced to the electric chair and was executed on March 20 of that year in a prison of the State of Florida. This episode was considered a good omen by the Americans: unlike Lincoln, Garfield and McKiley by the President, like his distant cousin Theodore Roosevelt, had escaped death in an attack. Saturday, March 4, 1933 Roosevelt, as indicated by reporters with only initials FDR, lent a solemn oath on the family Bible, in ceremony, the president in Washington was attended by more than one hundred thousand people despite the icy wind and the threat of an impending snowstorm. The agricultural and industrial production was paralyzed by a crisis of overproduction and unemployment was growing at an alarming rate: more than 13 million unemployed, of which 1 million in New York alone, 350,000 American boys had left school and 20,000 graduates were searching in vain a job. Huge industrial profits were concentrated in the hands of a small circle of people, the great mass of consumers had, however, income low purchasing power and therefore could not keep pace with production, and the unbridled financial speculation had turned the stock market from its normal balancing function, the Republican administration, not faithfully following the principle of state intervention in economic matters - social, had not sought any remedy for the crisis. On March 6, 1933 Roosevelt summoned Congress into a special session and, referring to a law of 1917, decided to close all banks for four days, placed an embargo on gold and silver and suspended the convertibility of the dollar . These decisions did not fail to impress the world, but all Americans approved of the decision that Congress had granted full powers to the president. "FDR" ordered the issuance of $ 2 billion, suspended on gold transactions and forbade private citizens to possess, with very serious threats of sanctions. The psychological effect was remarkable, even more validated by the so-called conversation by the fireplace "to which, through the radio and called for all American citizens on Sunday, March 12: For the first time a U.S. president came personally to the homes of all, calling them "My dear friends ..." and went on to say "... civilization is an old tree: as it grows increase the rotten branches. abbattiamolo The Radicals say, the Conservatives tocchiamolo not say, we Liberals seek the to save the old trunk and branches of young people. "Shortly after the Congress followed the directives of the President: 15% reduced wages and pensions, and sent 250,000 young unemployed people to work on the reforestation of forests for $ 30 per month. Even Wall Street reacted positively to the presidential directives: when the banks reopened, the prices went up 15% at one time, who had changed with the gold stocks and bonds. The Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA) resolved the crisis of agricultural overproduction, establishing awards and compensation for farmers who had reduced the area under cultivation. Another ratification of the Congress Party, the end of the "Prohibition": now they could make (and eat) beer with 3.2% alcohol. On 7 April, some crates of beer were brought from Milwaukee to Washington, then a truck, decorated with the colors of the Union, was transported to the White House with a sign "Mr. President, the first beer is for you." Eleanor Roosevelt strongly prohibitionist, he transferred the funds to the "Press Club", knowing the tastes of the press. In 1935 Roosevelt took up the defense policy of the working classes, with the National Labor Relations Act, better known as the "Wagner Act" which established the freedom of association, and the Fair Labor Standard Act (1938), aimed at bringing an end at Work (40 week) and a limit on wages. Instituted also the Tennessee Valley Authority, the exploitation of one of the largest hydroelectric reservoirs of the United States, making the country a formidable competitor in private industry. On November 4, 1936 FD Roosevelt was re-elected U.S. president by a majority of 60.8% of the vote: 27,752,869 votes Popular collected and the votes of 523 electors of the state, while the Republican Landon AM to get only 16674665000 8 votes and electors. High finance was always hostile to the President, unable to understand that trying to rationalize the capitalist system. With his plan to reform Roosevelt was able to create a social economic adjustment, but was instead the less effective the work resurgence of production, as evidenced by the data, still very high unemployment. As regards foreign policy Roosevelt remained until 1937 an attitude of strict neutrality, but when he realized that the absence of the United States from world affairs favored in Europe, the rise of Nazi fascism and Japanese imperialism in the East, decided to intervene. In Chicago, delivered the "Sermon on the quarantine", in October 1937, denouncing the American people the threat of fascism and, from that moment on, he adopted a firm attitude towards the totalitarian powers. In 1940, Roosevelt was elected for the third time, made unique in the history of the Union, was granted by Congress the abolition of the law neutralist, while preparing its policy for entry into the war, gave to England and its allies all sorts of aid. The Japanese attack the American base at Pearl Harbor, the Pacific Ocean, officially marked the U.S. entry into war, Roosevelt again took over the situation with his usual grim: he worked closely with the Prime Minister W. English Churchill, with whom, in August 1941, had established the principles of the new order in the "Atlantic Charter". He also tried working with the other major ally, the USSR, speaking in the historic meeting of the Big Three, "which took place in Casablanca, Quebec, in Cairo, in Tehran and Yalta, during which he distinguished himself as the great enemy of the Nazi threat. But this was the last of his titanic battles, was never able to see the outcome and success: he died at 63, 12 April 1945 shortly after he assumed the presidential office for the fourth time.
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Dwight D. Eisenhower

Born in Texas in 1890, brought up in Abilene, Kansas, Eisenhower was the third of seven children. He excelled in sports in high school and received an appointment to West Texas Point.Stazionò as a second lieutenant, where he met Mamie Geneva Doud, whom he married in 1916.
In his early career of the 'army, he excelled in staff assignments, under the command of General John J. Pershing, Douglas MacArthur, and Walter Krueger. After Pearl Harbor, General George C. Marshall called him to Washington to work on plans for a guerra.Egli commanded Allied forces landed in North Africa in November 1942 in the D-Day, 1944, he was supreme commander of the troops who invaded France.
After the war, he became President Columbia University, then took leave to assume supreme command over the new NATO forces dellla 1951.Inviati Republicans gathered in his quarters near Paris persuaded him to run for president in 1952. "I Like Ike" (I like Ike) was an irresistible slogan; Eisenhowe won by a wide margin. Negotiated by military force, tried to reduce the tensions of war fredda.Nel 1953, the signing of a truce brought an armed peace along the border of South Korea. The death of Stalin the same year caused shifts in relations with Russia.
(from left) Eisenhower, Bradley, Patton
New Leader of Russia agreed to a peace treaty neutralizing Austria 's. Meanwhile, both Russia and the United States had developed hydrogen bombs. With the threat of such destructive force hanging over the world, Eisenhower, with the heads of the governments of Britain, France and Russia, met in Geneva in July 1955. The President proposed that the United States and Russia to exchange programs and provide their military establishments within the country propi servizzi for aerial photography to 'another country. The Russians greeted the proposal with silence, but were so cordial during the meeting that the tensions are stretched. Suddenly, in September of 1955, Eisenhower was hit by a Scripting heart of Denver, Colorado. After seven weeks he left the hospital in February 1956 doctors reported his guarigione.A November he was elected for his second term.
In domestic policy the President follow a middle course, continuing most of the New Deal and Fair Deal ", emphasizing on a budget equilibrato.Come the abolition of racial segregation in schools, sent troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, to assure compliance with the orders of a federal court, also ordered the abolition of racial segregation in the armed forces. "There must be no second-class citizens in this country," he writes. Before I let 's office in January 1961, to his farm in Gettysburg, he urged the need to maintain a sufficient military force, but warned' that continued military expenditures could produce potential dangers to our way of life. Concluded with a prayer for peace "in the goodness of time. Both themes remained timely and urgent when he died after a long illness, March 28, 1969.
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Douglas MacArthur
Born in 1880, he entered the military academy at West Point at age 19 and leaving with the rank of lieutenant of genius in 1903. Wounded in World War I, in 1935 in the Philippines as military adviser to President Manuel Quezon. At the time of the Japanese, MacArthur reveals serious errors in assessing the enemy's strategy and in setting up the U.S. defense system of the archipelago. On the orders of Roosevelt left the garrison at Corregidor in March 1942 and reaches luckily I 'Australia.Al time to embark pronounces the sentence remained famous: "I've done it, but I shall return." Military information to the Office for asks him to change the subject of the sentence with the first person plural ("we will return") opposes a MacArthur rebuffed.
MacArthur during the signing of the surrender of Japan
Less than two years after failing to deliver on the promise, immortalized in the photos of the reporters with his ever-present sunglasses at the time of the American landing in the Philippines. Deep knowledge of military history, General MacArthur is a fine, which introduces a new way to defeat the opponent. Similar to what I expected judo, he has based its strategy on the principle that an attack is launched at a time and place where the opponent is in an unbalanced position. Rejected any suggestion of frontal attack to the Japanese armed fortifications, MacArthur opted for enveloping maneuvers to isolate the Japanese, cutting and communications lines rifornimento.E 'among the first to warn that war in the Pacific area of \u200b\u200boperation includes the mainland and the sea in the same manner. So Iogistica relies on a role and does not neglect the importance of the environment: "Nature - she would later say, is neutral in the war, but if one wins and no enemy, it becomes a powerful ally."
As a continuation of war will always be in direct conflict with ChesterW Nimitz, commander in chief flota the Pacific, and will be among the protagonists of the American charged as commander in chief of ground forces. lI September 2, 1945 Mac Arthur received the capitulation of the SOI Levante on deck of the battleship Missouri in subsequent years - as head of the supreme command of the Allied Powers - the governor of Japan. Chaired by the democratization and demilitarization of the country occupied by Americans and a small contingent of Australian and plays an active role
in economic reconstruction and in issuing the new Constitution.
In 1951 his intention to attack China in order to give a turn to the Korean War and to make use of the bomb Atomic will put an end to one of the longest careers in the history of the U.S. military. He died in 1964.
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Chester William Nimtz
inTexas Founded in 1885 by a German family. He graduated from the Naval Academy in 1905, in World War I he served on a navigation sommergibile.Alla head of the Office of the U.S. government, comes into contact with President Roosevelt who appreciate the quality suffered. Nimitz optimistically assess the disaster at Pearl Harbor and was promoted admiral, starts (assisted by a team of world-class men) reconstruction of the American fleet. Later say: "We have God's mercy that our fleet is at Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941."
Men's affable and informal ways, but when the occasion demands, determined and inflexible, in April 1942 he was appointed commander of the American Pacific fleet. Plan to detail the battles of the Coral Sea naval aviation and the conquest of Midway and Guadalcanal, focusing on the reliability of U.S. intelligence information. After processing the Guadalcanal offensive STRATEGY based on the war with the succession of amphibious landings in the Pacific Islands.
is the strategist guerrasottomarina which destroys the Japanese merchant fleet, culminating in the strangulation of the economy of the Rising Sun in early 1945. Must bend to the will of Roosevelt, welcomed the MacArthur's opinion of his rival, he opts for the reconquest of the Philippines and abandons the idea of \u200b\u200bbetting on Formosa and China. October 1944 destroyed the Japanese Combined Fleet at the Battle of Leyte. From the island of Guam, the Americans win in August 1944, directs the operations of landing on Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Its historical merit is that he won (in less than four years) a war with a naval fleet at the beginning of hostilities was numerically and militarily inferior to that of the opponent. In November 1945, at the time of the withdrawal of Admiral Ernest J. King was appointed supreme commander of the navy. He died in 1966.
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George S. Patton
veteran of the Great War, during which fought on the French front, will play an important role in some of the major campaigns of World War II, demonstrating excellent skills in the war engine.
After leading the ground troops who win Casablanca and Morocco, in March 1943 he was appointed commander of the American body II in Tunisia. Promoted to lieutenant general, brings to completion in 38 days, with the Seventh Army, the Sicilian campaign. In June 1944 the head of the Third Army during the Normandy invasion, and later his advancing armored units in France, winning the UK and going as far as Orleans before cutting the country to Lorraine. Content after the German offensive in the Ardennes, Patton moves beyond the Rhine to the gates of Prague, where he was stopped for political reasons. He died in Germany in 1945, for the consequences of an automobile accident.
France - Patton reviews the troops
Patton lingers with a Soldier in Messina, often deals with the troops in informally.
Willy "Alexander" the Petbull Terrier Patton, a friend of many battles
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Omar N. Bradley
Commander of II Corps in North Africa, conquered Bizerte in May 1943 and was appointed lieutenant-general. In the summer of 1943 led troops in the invasion of Sicily. Eisenhower made with the Normandy landings, during which commands the U.S. forces. On land, his troops have joined those of Patton to form the largest training military in the history of the United States, he leads the final offensive against Nazi Germany. Conquest Brittany, Paris and Cologne and Trier, before rejoining the Russian troops, April 25, 1945. After the war, from 1949 to 1953, is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He died in 1981.
(from left) Bradley, Montgomery, Dempsey
Bradley with Major General Terry de la Mesa Allen (left)
commander of the 1st Infantry Division.
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Mark W. Clark
son of an army colonel, fought in France in 1918.
the eve of World War II has the rank of major, but since 1942 makes a spectacular rise, which port to become commander of U.S. ground forces in Europe. Design the invasion of North Africa and arrived in Algeria in a submarine to prepare for action with the French. At the head of the Fifth Army in September 1943 landed at Salerno, then managed to resist German attacks.
failed attempt to guide the Allied landing at Anzio, and order the bombing of Monte Cassino, where will be severely criticized. On June 5, 1944 in Rome enters. He then became commander of all allied forces in the Mediterranean. After the war the commander of occupation forces in Austria and Head of UN forces in Korea, before retiring in 1953. He died in 1984.
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was born in Lamar, in Missouri, in 1884, in a famigIia of farmers. Participates in the First World War as an artillery officer and exercise various trades and businesses before entering politics in the ranks of the Democratic Party. Missouri state senator (1934-44), working at work legislation promoted by President Roosevelt. In 1941 he acquired a considerable prestige to the guidance of a Board of Inquiry of the Senate on national defense program, which highlights waste and deficiencies in the sector. Elected Vice-President of the United States in 1944 next to Roosevelt, it takes the place of his death in April 1945.
During the few months of his vice president had no active part in major policy decisions of the country finds itself, without any specific experience to address complex issues in the final stages of the war and having to make crucial choices; aware of this, it will address reporters: "Guys, if you've never prayed, now pray for me."
follows a line of continuity with the choices of his predecessor, relying on the support of a small group of advisers. Join the Potsdam Conference, at which inform the Allies that the United States have developed the atomic bomb, bringing to fruition a project which he has recently taken in full knowledge. Determined to accelerate the unconditional surrender of Japan and save the greatest number of lives of his countrymen, he decided to use the new weapon on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, making a choice which always confirm the validity, as dictated by purely military considerations. In the postwar American foreign policy orientation towards action to contain the expansion of communism and support for European democracies. In March 1947, before Congress stating the "doctrine" which he named, to promote a policy of aid to Greece and dellaTurchia, opens the line of military and economic intervention in support of countries threatened by the Soviet Union, and work for the implementation of the "European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan) to finance reconstruction in Europe. In the following years will manage the crucial stages of the Cold War. In domestic policy supports a line of moderate reformism, are having to counter the opposition of the Republican majority in Congress and some of his own party. In 1948, contrary to expectations, is re-elected president. With the creation of NATO launches the construction of a system of Western defense, and in 1950 decided the U.S. intervention in North Korea, however, opposing plans to extend the conflict supported by the general MacArthur.Alla mandate ends in 1952, retires from politics.
He died in 1972.
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George Catlett Marshall
George Catlett Marshall, U.S. General , was born in Uniontown, Pennsylvania in 1880. In 1939 he was appointed chief of army staff. In December 1941 he became responsible for the formation and organization of U.S. troops on all fronts in battle with the outbreak of World War II and the U.S. intervention in the conflict. Adviser to the President Franklin D. Roosevelt, participated in the Allied conferences at Casablanca, Quebec, Teheran, Yalta and Potsdam. In 1945, President Harry S. Truman appointed him ambassador to China. In 1947, Marshall replaced James Francis Byrnes as Secretary of State and started the program of economic aid, known just as the Marshall Plan, under which the U.S. provided funding to the countries of Western Europe for post-conflict reconstruction. In the years 1950-51 Marshall was secretary of defense. In 1953 he was awarded the Nobel prize for peace, in view of his contribution to European economic renaissance. He died in Washington in 1959.
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