Adolf Hitler
Born in Braunau (Austria 1889), son of a customs officer attended a technical school in Linz until the death of his father, he moved in Vienna, where he tried to be admitted to the academy of fine arts, but was rejected, and worked as an assistant decorator to live, even then influences K. Lueger anti-Semitic and nationalistic ideology did affect his ideas. In 1912 he went to Monaco where he worked as a construction worker, in '14 he volunteered in a Bavarian department, participated in the Great War where he was wounded. Hitler, like many other Germans blamed the military defeat the Marxists and Jews. Perhaps it was this that made him enter politics to try to get out of the impositions of Versailles and take revenge on the "internal enemies" to Germania.Nel September '19 joined the German Workers Party that the following year became in the German National Socialist Party of Workers, who was the absolute leader, the change of line of policy of the government abandoned the passive resistance that opposed to France for the occupation of the Ruhr (heavily industrialized area of \u200b\u200bGermany and therefore essential for the economic recovery), pushed him to organize in '24 with the Ludendorff Putch Monaco (coup) but failed. Hitler was sentenced to five years but after a few months he was released from prison during the months of captivity had time to write much of Mein Kampf (My Struggle) where he expressed his ideas of anti-Semitism, racism and superiority of the Aryan race. Once released from prison she thought of reorganizing the party with the creation of the SA (Sturm Abteilungen, shock troops) and the SS (Schutz-Staffeln, team defense) used for domestic political battle. In those years the social and economic crisis and the resulting increase in unemployment in the elections allowed Hitler to the Reichstag (parliament) to reach the substantial number of six million votes. Immediately pressed into agreements with the Germans and with the national front Harzburg, to combat communism and parliamentary institutions of the state, used the practice in SA and the SS-type operations in squad. Nevertheless, in '32 won the election, January 30 del'33 was appointed chancellor in March and gained full powers, which allowed him to eliminate all democratic freedoms, thus creating a dictatorship personal and party. On the night of June 30 of '34 (the Night of Long Knives) H. did eliminate some fringe elements of the SA, including their leader E. Rohm, guilty of having made a considered excessive autonomy, and to be frowned upon by the army generals, which henceforth will remain loyal to the Nazis. On August 2, thanks to a law approved by the Council of Ministers of the posts of president and chancellor of the Reich were unified.
The Fuher became the absolute leader of the state (among other things, confirmed by the plebiscite of August 19), we could devote the creation and affirmation of the Aryan race in Europe and the destruction of all those states and peoples deemed inferior, which led to the outbreak of World War II (September '39), proclaimed himself head of the army in '41, but his excessive Ambition made him commit grievous errors as at Stalingrad (where not allowed to retreat to the Sixth Army, 300,000 men strong, was forced to surrender), they did change during the war. The unrest which generated the losses made to grow more and more opposition to the Nazi leader (but only by the military, the population was still deceived the skill of propaganda Goebbels) so that 13 March '43 he was the victim of an assassination attempt work Fabian von Schlabrendorff, even in '44 there was a conspiracy organized by some senior officers of the Wehrmacht, but the attack did not give the desired effect. Hitler survived and he killed all the conspirators, he went to Berlin as the continuous advance of the enemy, where he died probably committed suicide in his bunker when the Russians entered the city by now, April 30 '45.
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Erwin Rommel
Erwin Rommel was born in Heidenheim, in Württemberg, in 1891. He attended the military school in Danzig. During World War I fought in the Argonne, in Romania and Italy, being twice wounded. At the outbreak of the second conftitto, he served during the Polish campaign, the headquarters of the Führer. Later he was affidatoto command of the Seventh Armored Division of the XV Corps, which is the leading column of the German army in the operations on the Western Front. The Seventh Division fought on the Meuse, at Arras, Lille, on the Somme, and is the first to reach the English Channel. On February 6, 1941 Rommel was home on leave for two days, when an aide to the Führer's headquarters knocks on the door and handed him an urgent message: Hitler wants to see him immediately. He decided to send in rescue Graziani two divisions of the Wehrmacht. Rommel will assume the overall command of the corps immediately go to Libya and Africa. The Führer, recalls Rommel, "he described minutely the African theater of war and told me that I had been referred to as an element able to quickly adapt to the peculiar conditions of war in Africa." On February 12, is already in Tripoli and summarizes its view on the situation in these words: "We can make hair stand on end thinking of how fitting The leader sends his troops to fight. "On 24 his men are in contact with British troops in Cyrenaica. Teacher training in the use of mobile forces to gather immediately after an operation to fully exploit the success, convinced that "the energy of a commander often has more of his intelligence," Rommel jumps, with its air, like a grasshopper from one point in the desert to make physical contact with the ground and with men.
Magnificent gambler, inflicts heavy losses to the British and restores the fortunes of the Axis in the African arena. Churchill about him said before the House of Commons: "We have before us a very daring and skillful opponent and, if I may say so above the carnage of war, a great general." To face him succeed the best British generated: Wavell, Auchinleck, Cunningham, Ritchie, Montgomery. After two years in Africa, fought in Normandy against the Allied advance and was wounded July 17, 1944. Accused of having participated in the conspiracy of 1944 against HitIer is forced to kill himself with cyanide to avoid prosecution. Disappears from the tragic scene in Germany at a sign of the tyrant who has faithfully served as a Roman general.
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Hermann Wilhelm Göring
Göring, Hermann Wilhelm (Rosenheim 1893 - Nuremberg 1946 ), German Air Force officer and politician, was one of the leading exponents of the Nazi Party and Reich Marshal in 1940. He participated in the First World War as an officer in the Air German in 1918, after the death of the commander of his squadron, Manfred von Richthofen, the famous Red Baron, Göring was named to replace it. He met Adolf Hitler in 1921, a year later he joined the Nazi Party leadership and oversaw the organization of the assault teams, the Sturmabteilungen or SA. Participated in the failed coup known as the putsch of Monaco (1923), during which he was injured. In 1928 he was elected to the Reichstag, the German parliament, and in 1932 became its president. With the rise of the Nazi Party in 1933, Göring was appointed Minister of assuming the supreme command.
also became interior minister and head of the Gestapo German secret, he developed (1936) a four-year economic plan and a military strategy based on effective coordination between ground troops and the Luftwaffe, the plan allowed the rapid military action that led to the conquest between 1939 and 1940 in Poland , Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium and France. He was also a strong supporter of the strategy of terror, which was based primarily on the massive bombing of civilian targets. Göring surrendered to U.S. forces in 1945 after the fall of the Third Reich, and was sentenced to death by a court in Nuremberg during the trials for war crimes. He committed suicide hours before execution.
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Heinrich Himmler
Himmler was born in Monaco October 7, 1900 by a solid middle class family that boasted friendship to the court of Bavaria. At 14, the outbreak of the First World War, Heinrich was a frail boy, shy, respectful of adults, meticulous and scrupulous accuracy. Good student at school, his grades were better in history, Latin, mathematics and greek, but had no inclination to music, even he could not even learn the scales on the piano. He had passions common to all young people, including the collection of stamps, the raids in the orchards, the attraction for the strength and agility, but the exercise of which it was submitted does not ever turn his puny body. As with other Nazi leaders during the period of youth, and families had major problems just come to power, immediately tried to dispel any testimony as not to obscure your figure. In October 1919 he entered college, he enrolled in the course of agriculture, and graduated in 1922, relations with the environment school student turned out to be meticulous, careful and often conformist with friends discussions on issues faced often predominant (religion and sex) and became interested in anti-Semitic movements. In August 1922 he worked as an assistant in a company and fertilizers Rohm flagship department named him one of the many paramilitary groups in Bavaria. In 1923 he participated with the Rohm Putsch of Monaco attempted by Hitler in 1923 and the inglorious end lost his job but to strengthen links with Rohm and Strasser brothers. In 1924 he joined the SS Himmler and shortly thereafter was appointed deputy commander and attended the party rally in Weimar. On January 6, 1928, Hitler appointed Himmler Reichsfuhrer-SS, had the task of making an elite guerrilla well above the road bandits the SA, but it fell to him to wait for the turning point in the Night of Long Knives (June 30, 1934) which eliminated the Chiefs of Staff of the SA including Rohm. From there he began his long march toward the role as the second most feared man in the Reich of Hitler. The super police planned by Hitler was the boom of Nazi oppression, persecution of minorities and the enslavement of youth culture.
E 'to detect the singular mess of theories of race, beliefs, festivals, doctrines of nature from which Himmler was obsessed, and it was believed the reincarnation of Emperor Henry I, who had fought against the Slavs and Hungarians. Moreover, these obsessions drove him rivagheggiare to the ancient Teutonic myth according to which the pair made on the tombstone would have infused the child courage and virtue of his Germanic ancestors and aberration this ritual was over even to slay the mice children imprisoned in the camps. Its sick fantasies drove him to the occult and the gothic spire of the Confraternity of Santa Croce and attempted, through the alchemy, make gold, following the ancient formulas of Nostradamus. With this behavior, however, Himmler hid the deep and complex feelings of insecurity and indecision that Hitler forced him to rely on but which did not remain faithful to the end and July 20 of 1944 sought to deal directly with the yield allies. On May 4, 1945 Montgomery Himmler discussed with the surrender of the allies, but a few days later Doenitz dismisses him handing a letter of thanks for services rendered to the Reich. The May 21 party for Bavaria masked with a uniform half military and half civilian and forged identity card with the name Heinrich Hitzinger. On May 23, was stopped by the British and sent to the camp where 031 interviews, acknowledged by Captain Silvester, was jailed. A few hours later poisoned himself with a vial of potassium cyanide hidden between the teeth and died.
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Joachim von Ribbentrop
Joachim von Ribbentrop, was born in Wesel on the Rhine April 30, 1893 , a descendant of a family that has many military, led him to pursue a military career. Just finished his studies at Cassel starts to travel and learn more languages \u200b\u200bto perfection, in 1910, to 17 years with the disapproval of family and leaves the land of the Rhine and moved to New York, where he tried journalism and banking career, but is not at ease. He moved to Canada where he remained four years and the corresponding importer of a great brand of French champagne. In 1914 when an outbreak of World War I, Ribbentrop decides to return home and join the army, but the vessel that was captured in full bordoviene Ocean by the British. Ribbentrop is hiding in a coal deposit and escaped danger he enlisted in the 12th Regiment, where he received an Iron Cross second class and one of the first, shortly after a year of war, the young man is called to be engaged in diplomatic work. His great diplomatic experience the real lives in Versailles as part of the German commission responsible for dealing with the clauses of the peace treaty. His meeting with Hitler back autumn of 1929, but only in 1932, relations between the two are closer on the political level shortly afterwards was commissioned to create a secret ministry to check and replace the official German domination, his Compit is to propagate Nazi ideology among the business community of democratic countries, but Ribbentrop goes further in every country in the world controls the extent to which the diplomatic representatives of Germany are subservient to the regime.
In 1935, preparing the negotiations for the treaty with Belgium and the Belgian neutrality states that will never be broken by Germany. When German troops invade the Rhineland in 1936, Ribbentrop, was appointed director of the London Conference and the capital remains as ambassador shortly after returning to Berlin, Hitler appointed him foreign minister in the Third Reich. With the annexation of Austria, Europe is on alert, but strives to Ribbentrop tranquilizzare Westerners by declaring that Germany would invade other territories, and in 1938 signed the Treaty of Paris in Monaco with France and England that violate a years later. In 'August 1939, Ribbentrop arrived in Moscow and secretly signed with the Molotov nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union, which outlined an ambiguous alliance between the two states that would have helped Hitler and Stalin military organizations. The fall of France in 1940, means that Ribbentrop officially become the spokesman for Hitler and his policy of signing treaties thus becomes inevitable that Germany will sign after the military successes: Turkey, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Croatia. At the end of querra, with the end of Nazism, Ribbentrop is unavailable, but June 14, 1945 falls into the hands of a lieutenant of the Second British Army, will suffer as the Nuremberg trial and found guilty will be sentenced to death for conspiracy against peace, acts of aggression, war crimes, crimes against humanity and violation of the Geneva Conventions. The sentence is executed on October 16 1946.
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Joseph Goebbels
Rheydt Born in the Rhineland in 1897, four years fell ill with polio that isolates him from peers up to 12 years and made the sad and unhappy childhood. The brothers remember him locked up voluntarily in the attic where he read books and encyclopedias. The parents of Goebbels dreamed that his son did his military career, but this was impossible because of the polio that had degenerated his body. In fact, at the outbreak of World War I Joseph in high school and was rejected from military service without even a visit. The parents thought he would become a brilliant priest, Joseph then turned to his father Moller. He got a loan, at the Albertus Magnus, of 964 marks which will help in studies and in life. Goebells achieved a wonderful school career with excellent grades in German, Latin and Greek. Twenty three years he graduated and take the road of literature and journalism, and became secretary of a small far-right party gaining about 100 marks a month. His career as a journalist is a disaster, his first manuscript, Michael, packed with clichés, and nationalistic accents is rejected by publishers and newspapers. It comes from there his deep hatred of the Jews guilty of having a monopoly on German culture. Goebbels is approaching 24 in the National Socialist Party by chance when a friend invited him to listen to a speech by Nazi propaganda of the socialists and was invited to speak at the debate. The Socialists accused him of being a capitalist exploiter, but with a deft move propagandist Joseph, a man invites the crowd to get on stage and show the public how much money he had in his wallet. Joseph also empties the wallet, which contained only a few dollars, now conquered the audience applauds. In 24 starts and then his political activities and became Gauleiter of the Rhineland and enrolled at the Nazi party and Hitler asked him to reorganize the party, the regiment SA, and win propagandistically the most difficult places in Germany. His skills as a skilled orator always master of himself, pretending to wonder his emotions, able to exploit the richness of her voice, able to immediately establish contact with the public, are able to instill hatred and enthusiasm of the crowd, more and more , who attended his speeches. His interventions in public cause more tensions Social culminating in beatings and sometimes even causing death. Goebbels, has become a skilled propagandist, he also manages to take advantage of the defeat, highlighting the suffering of the wounded and even hiring actors to be wrapped in linen cloths with the colored 'Anelina to simulate wounds. Joseph also reorganizes the propaganda posters redesigned characters stronger and more vibrant colors to attract the public more easily.
The battle more active leads in the press, the newspaper Der Angriff (The Assault), a newspaper-inspired anti-Communist and anti-Semitic does not give peace to political opponents with lies, innuendo and scandal. In 1930, the Nazis achieved their first successes (from 800 thousand votes the party won more than six million consensus), acquiring 107 MPs in the Reichstag and Goebbels was appointed head of propaganda. In the three years following Goebbels lays the groundwork for the advent of the Nazis using all possible means as the radio which transmits the speeches in the largest cities in Germany and distributed by post with the gramophone discs containing more than 50000 hard attacks government. Aviation also becomes an instrument of propaganda: Hitler comes to meetings in the air and Goebbels announced to the crowd saying that the Fuhrer comes from heaven. In 1933 Hitler becomes Registrar and begin the years of triumphs in which Goebbels mounting a propaganda apparatus that gathers in his hands all the modern means of expression. In a few months can control the film industry, then extends the power of literature by creating a blacklist of banned books and expropriating the major publishing houses extending, in fact, propaganda abroad. So in a few years Goebbels, free from old frustration and inferiority complex, it becomes one of the most powerful and feared men in Germany, also admired abroad. At the outbreak of World War II sided with the extremists such as Himmler and Bormann and promulgated the decrees of "total war" and "land cause "and asked more and more stringent measures against those who gave no sign of weakness or failure. With these decrees began to incite the Germans to destroy all that remained in the hands of the enemy and in 45 Hitler appointed him defender of Berlin and its Goebbels was the first time in his life as an officer in uniform. Hitler before his death he was appointed Reich Chancellor and the first and last official act of Goebbels as head of government was a telegram to Doenitz who was in Flensburg. At 18.15 the first May his children went to bed to sleep with the sleeping pill and then had them poisoned by a medical officer. Ten minutes later, Joseph and his wife Magda's arms went up in the garden of the Chancellery and killed with cyanide and the revolver was 48 years old Goebbels, Magda 44.
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Heinz Guderian
Born in 1888 into a family that descended from the owners Prussian landowners, is one of Hitler's generals that interprets the principles of blitzkrieg. Join the Great War and was promoted to general in 1938. In the same year he published a book entitled Achtung Panzer, arguing that the armored vehicles are the main offensive weapons that the other must be subordinate in the case of concentrated attack. At the command of an armored division at the time of the attack on Poland, driving the II Panzer Army during the invasion of the Soviet Union and get lightning success on the pitch at the head of what it takes to be called the Ponzerarmee Guderian. Once in the vicinity of Moscow, however, must move at a time in Kiev. In contrast to Hitler at the time when these orders him to go in support of von R.undstedt, Guderian is dismissed for trying to follow the original plan of attack. In February 1943 he was recalled by Hitler and appointed Inspector General of the armored troops. Appointed chief of staff to replace Kurt Zeitzler July 20, 1945, Hitler was overthrown by a few days later and taken prisoner by the Americans on May 10. He died in 1953.
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Erich von Manstein
Born in 1887, the tenth son of an aristocratic Prussian family, is a career soldier since 1906. I'impatto in 1940 stands out for its armored forces in the attack of Army Group A against the Franco-British. It 's the unsurpassed master of the war German mobile. During Operation Barbarossa armored advances his group of 330 km. in just four days. In 1941 he took command of the XI Army (Army Group in the south of von Rundstedt), which won the Crimea and goes to the Caucasus. The conquest of Sevastopol in July 1942 holds the rank of Marshal of the Reich. In November, assumes command of Army Group Don operating around Stalingrad. After the surrender of Paulus, Manstein unleashed in March 1943, at the helm of the new Army Group South, the German attack around Kharkov, obtaining a partial successo.Teorico war movement, falls out of favor with Hitler when military operations on the Russian front require the application of what Manstein defines a "fluid defense" in opposition to counter the Red Army. Since March 1944 no longer takes part in the conflict. Sentenced to 18 years imprisonment by a British military court in 1949, it will serve only four. He died in 1973.
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Martin Bormann
Born in Halberstadt in 1900, was member of the German Nazi Party and one of Adolf Hitler's closest collaborators. He joined the party in 1927, and the following year he obtained the command of Sturmabteilungen or SA, the armed militia of the party. In 1933 he became secretary of Rudolf Hess, the Registrar of partito.Gli took over office in 1941, when Hess was captured in Scotland. After the fall of Berlin, and during the final stages of World War II, Bormann disappeared wasting their tracks, in 1946, the military tribunal in Nuremberg tried him in absentia for war crimes and sentenced him to death. The rumors that circulated in the sixties, believed that Bormann was alive and that he hid in South America, but were partially disproved in 1972 when a skeleton found in West Berlin was identified by a dentist who had been treating a hearing and acknowledged that he built. In 1973, Bormann was officially pronounced dead by authorities in West Germany.
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Karl Doenitz
born in Grünau in 1891, German naval officer, was the creator of the submarine fleet. He participated in the First World War as an officer submariner, where, in 1918, was imprisoned by the British. After the rise of Hitler, in spite of the strict provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, Dönitz oversaw staging of a new fleet of submarines. Since 1936, the fleet commander, organized the submarine offensive against England. In 1943 he succeeded Admiral Raeder as commander in chief of the German Navy and in 1945, was appointed by Hitler's last political testament, his successor as president of the Reich Minister of War and commander in chief. On May 2, 1945 Dönitz assumed the new office, hoping to conclude a treaty with the Allies on the basis antirussa.Dovette instead sign the unconditional surrender of Germany. A few days later he was arrested and the court in Nuremberg during the trials for war crimes and sentenced him to ten years imprisonment. He died in Hamburg in 1980.
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Adolf Eichmann
Born in Solingen in 1906, travel with a young family in Austria, Adolf Eichmann joined the Nazi party, where in 1938 he became an officer in the SS after the Anschluss. Head Office for Jewish Emigration in Vienna, in 1941 he was appointed director of the department Eichmann, formed by sharing the office with the Gestapo's Jewish center of Jewish Berlin, and the organization responsible for the extermination of Jews in all countries occupied by the Nazis and those of future employment. After the war, he fled first to Syria, in 1948, and later, in 1950, in Argentina, where lived under an assumed name until 1960 when, some Israelis scoprirono.Rapito agents, was flown to Tel Aviv, where he was tried and sentenced to death by hanging in 1962.
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Reinard Heydrich
Born in Halle in 1904, Reinard Heydrich, the German official said "the Executioner", was a lieutenant in the Navy until 1931. That same year he joined the Nazi Party, and in 1933, when Hitler became chancellor, he was appointed police chief in Monaco for the control of the concentration camp at Dachau. Since 1934, he was responsible for the SS in Berlin, and shortly thereafter was appointed second in command, under Himmler, the entire organization. In 1941 he became Reich viceprotettore in Bohemia and Moravia, earning the nickname "Executioner" for the ruthlessness with which ruled those regions. On 27 May 1942 the Czech partisans threw a bomb on his car: Heydrich was wounded and died several days later. In retaliation, the Germans razed the village of Lidice, near Prague, and massacred its inhabitants.
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Alfred Jodl
Born in Würzburg in 1890, the German was the director general Hitler during the Second World War. Artillery officer during the World War I, after the rise of the Nazis, he was appointed defense minister and remained in office from 1935 to 1939. In 1939 he became chief of staff and, with Wilhelm Keitel, was one of the main culprits of the war strategy during the war, he directed all campaigns except the beginning of German invasion of Russia. In May 1945 he signed the execution orders for hostages and prisoners of war. Member of the Government of Karl Dönitz, signed the surrender of German armed forces in Reims, France. Tried and convicted of war crimes, 16 October 1946 was executed at Nuremberg.
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Wilhelm Keitel
German Field Marshal, was born in Helmscherode, Braunschweig in 1882. He entered the army in 1901 and fought as a captain in the First World War. After the war he remained in the armed forces of the Reich (Reichswehr). He was promoted to colonel in 1931 and the rank of general of division in 1934. Supporter of Adolf Hitler in 1935 he was appointed head of administrative department in the War Department and in 1938 he obtained the supreme command of all armed forces. Appointed Field Marshal in 1940, he commanded the German forces on the Soviet front during World War II. Four years later (May 1945) was a signatory to the surrender of the Reich. The same year he was arrested on charges of war crimes and prosecuted at Nuremberg, convicted in 1946, was sentenced to hang.
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Alfred Rosenberg
Born in Reval, now Tallinn in 1893, was among the leading members of the National Socialist Party . In 1919 she met Adolf Hitler and Ernst Röhm and joined the newly formed National Socialist movement. In 1921 he became one of the editors of the official organ of the party leaders, the newspaper "Völkischer Beobachter" (as a theorist of the Hitler movement, and anti-Semitic pamphlets published). His main work, The Myth of the twentieth century (1930), was an attempt to demonstrate the superiority of the German race. In 1933, when the Nazis rose to power in Germany, Rosenberg was responsible for coordinating the foreign policy of the party. In March 1941, during the war, he was appointed Minister of Occupied Eastern Territories. Sentenced by a court in Nuremberg during the trials for war crimes in 1945, was executed in 1946.
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Hjalamr Schacht
Born in Tingleff, Schleswig, in 1877, German financier started its activities in 1903 in which he became director of Dresdner Bank from 1908 to 1915. President of the Reichsbank from 1924 to 1929 (he was reelected in 1933), Daves and participate in the development of the Young. Minister for Economic Affairs (1934-1937), restore the trade balance by blocking foreign capital in Germany is to restore balance between imports and exports by developing the industrial sector. In contrast with the Nazi regime during World War II he was interned (1944) in a concentration camp. Released at the end of the war, was tried and later acquitted by the Court at Nuremberg (1946). He died in Monaco in 1970.
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Albert Speer
German architect and politician, born in Mannheim in 1905, he joined the Nazi Party in January 1931. In a few years, his efficiency and his talent made him a favorite of Hitler. In 1933 he was appointed architect of the staff Fhurer Who commissioned the construction of many buildings, including the design of the stadium of Nuremberg, home of the Party Congress in 1934, and the new Reich Chancellery in Berlin (later destroyed). During World War II, Speer became minister for armaments and war production (1942), and the forced labor of the soldiers and prisoners of war, build roads and defensive strongholds. Starting from 1944, which became account that Germany lost the war, tried in vain to persuade Hitler to accept the surrender, after which he said he thought to assassinate him. After the war he was tried for war crimes by the Nuremberg tribunal, and was sentenced to twenty years imprisonment, which he served in Spandau prison. Released from prison (1966) published his memoirs, considered an important evidence of the Nazi era. He died in London in 1981.
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Julius Streicher
German journalist and politician, was born in Fleinhausen, Bavaria 1885. He was a founding member of the National Socialist Party and participated in the attempted insurrection that failed Putsch of Monaco, organized by Adolf Hitler in 1923. From 1923 to 1945 was director of the Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer, known for its violent anti-Semitic attacks, and he was Gauleiter (governor) of the administrative district - in German Gau - Franconia. He was tried as a war criminal at Nuremberg, found guilty in 1946 was sentenced to death and executed.
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Rudolf Hess
Rudolf Hess, the Dauphin of Hitler, born in Alexandria in 1894. In 1920 he joined the newly formed party Nazionasocialista. In 1923 he took part along with Hitler, the Putsch of Monaco, he manages to get away, but prefers to keep company with Hitler in prison. Once out, it comes close cooperation between the two. In 1933, plays an important role in the party, and in 1939 became Hitler's official successor after Göring. Rudolf Hess, dell'Isoterismo believer, in 1941, piloting a plane moves in Scotland, probably to contact British groups of initiation rites, which in turn in contact with other Germania.Ma groups is captured and imprisoned. Rudolf Hess is revised only in 1946 in Nuremberg, in combination with other Nazi leaders, where he was tried and sentenced to life imprisonment. He died in prison in Berlin in mysterious circumstances (suicide or assassination) in 1987.
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