Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cheat For Idrag Paper

Chiang Kai-shek

Jieshi Jiang was born in Fenghua in 1887. Chinese politician, comes to power as the founder and president of the ROC in 1949 until his death. Finished his military studies in Tokyo where, in 1907, he met Sun Yat-Sen, founder of the Kuomintang (the Nationalist Party of China), alongside which has participated in the revolution that led to the establishment of the Republic of China (1911) is the next fight against Yuan Shikai, a warlord. " Posted in 1923 in the Soviet Union to study military and social system of the "Soviet", the following year became director of the KMT military academy. The growing conflicts within the party after the death of its founder in 1925 did not prevent Jiang Jieshi to finalize the decision with action against the centers of power of the warlords in northern regions. In the meantime, she reached the final break with the common component of the Kuomintang, which resulted in 1930 in a real civil war that was fought in the conflict at the same time intended to counter the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. Having failed to prevent the forces led by Mao Zedong in the siege of the government getting out with the Long March of 1934, Jiang was forced to make a truce with Mao to form a common front against the Japanese. The long Sino-Japanese conflict, which resulted in broader scenario of World War II, allowed Jiang to play the role of official representative of China in the Allied war conferences, have occurred since 1942. At the end of the war, in 1945, reopened the war with the Communists. The scheme, based on the personal power of Jiang and his family, proved inefficient and corrupt and was soon in difficulties. Failed mediation attempt by the United States in 1946-47, the battle soon turned in favor of the Maoist army, Jiang, who in 1949 forced to flee to Taiwan, along with over two million followers. With the economic and military aid the U.S. nationalist leader made the island an independent state by he governed, by pursuing a policy of economic development that brought the country to be highly competitive in foreign trade. At his death on April 5, 1975 in Taipei, was succeeded by his son, Jiang Qinghua.

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Mao Zedong

born in 1893 into a peasant family and irregular conducts studies. In 1911 he entered the Republican army, and then (1913-18) attended normal school. Under the influence of Western thought and the October Revolution, and in Beijing in 1921 he joined the Communist Party, which sent him as its agent in the region's native Hunan. Here is organizing peasant associations, revising the approach and convincing Marxist-Leninist revolutionary initiative of the possibility of autonomy by the rural masses in the Chinese context. He soon comes into conflict with the Communist Party leadership, developing a revolutionary personal perspective based on action guerrilla campaigns. From 1927, after the breakup of the alliance between the Communists and the Kuomintang of Chiang Kai-shek, Mao led the battle against it, promoting agrarian reform in the areas occupied by welding and the armed struggle in a perspective of economic revolution. In 1931 he founded a communist republic in the regions of Hunan and Kiang-si. To escape the advancing troops of Chiang Kai-shek, in October of 1934 begins the "long march" along with his followers over 5,000 kilometers on the field and winning the title of head of the Chinese Communist movement. In the face of the country by the invasion of Japan, concluded a truce with Chiang Kai-shek for a common defense.
at the end of the Second World War the two sides face each other in a civil war ending in 1949 with the complete success of Mao. This opens the long history in China, which sees Mao dedicate the building of communist society, before addressing a phase characterized by contrasts with the Soviet Union and the attempt to achieve autonomy and prestige to China, making it a point reference for the international communist movement. The "great helmsman" died in 1976.


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