Saturday, December 5, 2009

How To Get Everything In Poptropica



Josip Broz (Tito is the real name) was born in 1892 in a Croatian village, on the Slovenian mother and Croatian father. In World War I was taken prisoner by the Russians. In 1917 the October Revolution in St. Petersburg and in 1921, returned home, he entered into hiding after the Communist Party is outlawed. In 1928 he was sentenced to five years in prison, during which deepened her Marxist, and later the Communist International in Moscow, where he works. Appointed Secretary General of Communists of Yugoslavia, Tito renovated the leader of the party and at the time of the invasion of Axis troops can count on an efficient and branched in Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia. It is the main leader of Yugoslav partisan and at the end of the conflict chairs the People's Liberation Committee. After the 1945 conflict with Stalin and establishing a communist regime that runs from the Soviet model. Help Yugoslavia in difficult path to independence and promotes economic development focusing on self. Tito will be the latest prominent figure in the movement of nonaligned countries.
He died in 1980.


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