2010. Renewing hope
To all the friends, associates and friends best wishes for serenity and peace in the words of President National AC, Franco Miano. Are reflection, encouragement and concrete commitment not only to our parish associations but for the entire civil community.
"At the beginning of the new year I wish to extend to each and all best wishes for serenity and peace. Those past months have been particularly difficult for the world and for our country, but the coming of Child returned to us the great gift of hope! It is with this awareness that we are called to renew our good intentions, our projects, our commitments. It is with this awareness that we must review our own history and the history of humanity .
of hope effective, practical, we need us and need our brothers. Last year marked by economic crisis, has produced new forms of poverty, not only economic but also moral ones, which have undermined the hope and product sadness, despair, disillusionment.
Renewing hope, then, means first of all, contact with the year beginning, prayers, thoughts and deeds to all those people who have lost their jobs, they and their families we express our solidarity and closeness, together with the 'call to maintain the momentum in their projects and continue to hope that a different future is still possible. We feel strongly our responsibility to that effect and multiply the forms of charity and commitment to protecting the dignity of life for our brothers.
renewed hope is to dream of a true peace, true brotherhood of the human family and strive for it. First of all within ourselves honestly say "enough" with the spiral of violence that degrades man. The violence of war to us geographically distant but close in spirit as that in the Holy Land, but also those we see every day, the mafia violence that reveals itself every day into attitude and injustice, illegality and various forms of contempt for others. Starting with each of us, renew our commitment to a civil and respectful co-existence of man, especially to those who live the stories of migration, alienation and loneliness. We share stories of others and commit ourselves to promote the rights and duties of citizenship .
the wake of the Pope's message for World Day of Peace, entitled "If you want to cultivate peace, protect creation, and renew the hope is to motivate seriously the protection of our environment, because" its preservation has now become essential for the peaceful coexistence of mankind. " I must recover the sense of "covenant between human beings and the environment, which should mirror the creative love of God, from whom we come and towards whom we are journeying. "
also means renewed hope to renew, as Ac, the call to lay down their weapons of political struggle in favor of a dialogue that is constructive and truly turned to the common good. That there is no more rhetoric of "emergencies" of this country, from employment to protect the poor, dialogue with the new generations to the theme of social inclusion, the protection of life to those of all forms of creation.
Finally, renew hope, family membership, is to take seriously, in our ways of learning, the appeal Pope's to practice "a profound cultural renewal [...] rediscover those values \u200b\u200bwhich constitute the solid foundation on which to build a better future for all." cordially wish that personal projects, family and community come true and be blessed by the Lord wishes to heart because the commitment to evangelization and the formation of consciences will always draw new impetus and new motivation from intimacy with the Father! ".
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
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Santo Stefano: proto martyr.
" The testimony of Stephen, like that of Christian martyrs, shows our contemporaries are often distracted and disoriented, about who they should place their trust to give meaning to life. The martyr, in fact, is the one who dies with the certainty of knowing and loved by God, preferring nothing to the love of Christ, knows that he chose the best part. Configured fully to Christ's death, is aware of being a fertile seed of life in the world and to open paths of peace and hope ... "(Benedict XVI at the Angelus on 12/26/2009)
" The testimony of Stephen, like that of Christian martyrs, shows our contemporaries are often distracted and disoriented, about who they should place their trust to give meaning to life. The martyr, in fact, is the one who dies with the certainty of knowing and loved by God, preferring nothing to the love of Christ, knows that he chose the best part. Configured fully to Christ's death, is aware of being a fertile seed of life in the world and to open paths of peace and hope ... "(Benedict XVI at the Angelus on 12/26/2009)
Saturday, December 5, 2009
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The Conflict
In Europe in 1939 had gone by defining more and more German imperialist design, aimed at expanding the territory inhabited by Germans. After having annexed Austria, conquered Bohemia, Slovakia submitted in September 1939 Hitler invaded Poland, having first signed a military alliance with the Soviet Union under Stalin. Faced with this further serious note, the powers Western, France and Britain declared war on Germany, but failed to prevent the capture by the Germans, Poland, Denmark and Norway. In the spring of 1940, Hitler turned his army Germany against France, which was swept in a few weeks via.Il June 10, 1940, when France was now at its lowest, Mussolini's Fascist Italy declared war on France and Great Britain. Daninarca conquered France and tried, unsuccessfully, to invade Great Britain, Italy, while in Africa they lost the benefit of the British colony of Ethiopia. In October 1940, Italy began the conquest of Greece, starting from the Albanian colony, but, in the face of disasters Italian military had to intervene, the German Wehrmacht, which, in a few days, invaded and conquered Yugoslavia and Greece. In June 1941, Germany began the invasion of the Soviet Union, supported in this work Italian army. The armies of Nazi-fascist came to Moscow, Leningrad and Stalingrad, in February 1943 but suffered a heavy defeat that forced them to retreat in disorder to the west. In the East, meanwhile, Japan in December 1941 had attacked the Americans, provoking the intervention in the war. In September 1943, Italy, after losing the colony in Libya, was occupied for the southern part of the Anglo-americani.Così July 25 of that year the king had him arrested Mussolini, Badoglio appointed head of the government and fascism was revoked. The same September 8, 1943 the Badoglio government signed an armistice with the Allies and fled soon after, along with the court in the land in Brindisi controlled by the Americans, while the German army invaded the north-central Italy. Thus began the War of Resistance in Italy, which saw irregular guerrilla forces opposing the German soldiers occupying army and risen to the Fascist Italian Social Republic of Mussolini. Meanwhile, the Soviet Red Army was advancing from the east and the Allies had landed in Normandy. In May 1945 the war in Europe ended with the conquest of the whole of Germany by Allied armies. Japan continued the war again until August, when the two U.S. atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the World War.
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Josip Broz (Tito is the real name) was born in 1892 in a Croatian village, on the Slovenian mother and Croatian father. In World War I was taken prisoner by the Russians. In 1917 the October Revolution in St. Petersburg and in 1921, returned home, he entered into hiding after the Communist Party is outlawed. In 1928 he was sentenced to five years in prison, during which deepened her Marxist, and later the Communist International in Moscow, where he works. Appointed Secretary General of Communists of Yugoslavia, Tito renovated the leader of the party and at the time of the invasion of Axis troops can count on an efficient and branched in Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia. It is the main leader of Yugoslav partisan and at the end of the conflict chairs the People's Liberation Committee. After the 1945 conflict with Stalin and establishing a communist regime that runs from the Soviet model. Help Yugoslavia in difficult path to independence and promotes economic development focusing on self. Tito will be the latest prominent figure in the movement of nonaligned countries.
He died in 1980.
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Chiang Kai-shek
Jieshi Jiang was born in Fenghua in 1887. Chinese politician, comes to power as the founder and president of the ROC in 1949 until his death. Finished his military studies in Tokyo where, in 1907, he met Sun Yat-Sen, founder of the Kuomintang (the Nationalist Party of China), alongside which has participated in the revolution that led to the establishment of the Republic of China (1911) is the next fight against Yuan Shikai, a warlord. " Posted in 1923 in the Soviet Union to study military and social system of the "Soviet", the following year became director of the KMT military academy. The growing conflicts within the party after the death of its founder in 1925 did not prevent Jiang Jieshi to finalize the decision with action against the centers of power of the warlords in northern regions. In the meantime, she reached the final break with the common component of the Kuomintang, which resulted in 1930 in a real civil war that was fought in the conflict at the same time intended to counter the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. Having failed to prevent the forces led by Mao Zedong in the siege of the government getting out with the Long March of 1934, Jiang was forced to make a truce with Mao to form a common front against the Japanese. The long Sino-Japanese conflict, which resulted in broader scenario of World War II, allowed Jiang to play the role of official representative of China in the Allied war conferences, have occurred since 1942. At the end of the war, in 1945, reopened the war with the Communists. The scheme, based on the personal power of Jiang and his family, proved inefficient and corrupt and was soon in difficulties. Failed mediation attempt by the United States in 1946-47, the battle soon turned in favor of the Maoist army, Jiang, who in 1949 forced to flee to Taiwan, along with over two million followers. With the economic and military aid the U.S. nationalist leader made the island an independent state by he governed, by pursuing a policy of economic development that brought the country to be highly competitive in foreign trade. At his death on April 5, 1975 in Taipei, was succeeded by his son, Jiang Qinghua.
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Mao Zedong
born in 1893 into a peasant family and irregular conducts studies. In 1911 he entered the Republican army, and then (1913-18) attended normal school. Under the influence of Western thought and the October Revolution, and in Beijing in 1921 he joined the Communist Party, which sent him as its agent in the region's native Hunan. Here is organizing peasant associations, revising the approach and convincing Marxist-Leninist revolutionary initiative of the possibility of autonomy by the rural masses in the Chinese context. He soon comes into conflict with the Communist Party leadership, developing a revolutionary personal perspective based on action guerrilla campaigns. From 1927, after the breakup of the alliance between the Communists and the Kuomintang of Chiang Kai-shek, Mao led the battle against it, promoting agrarian reform in the areas occupied by welding and the armed struggle in a perspective of economic revolution. In 1931 he founded a communist republic in the regions of Hunan and Kiang-si. To escape the advancing troops of Chiang Kai-shek, in October of 1934 begins the "long march" along with his followers over 5,000 kilometers on the field and winning the title of head of the Chinese Communist movement. In the face of the country by the invasion of Japan, concluded a truce with Chiang Kai-shek for a common defense.
at the end of the Second World War the two sides face each other in a civil war ending in 1949 with the complete success of Mao. This opens the long history in China, which sees Mao dedicate the building of communist society, before addressing a phase characterized by contrasts with the Soviet Union and the attempt to achieve autonomy and prestige to China, making it a point reference for the international communist movement. The "great helmsman" died in 1976. Three Wheel Motorbike
Edouard Daladier
Born in Carpentras 1884, is deputy radicalsocialista since 1919. Several times a minister since 1924, between 1933 and '34 is chairman of the board on two subsequent occasions: strong supporter of the Popular Front government of Léon Blum (1936-37), after the collapse of the leftist coalition is called to form the his third cabinet (April 10 1938). The precarious and unstable domestic political situation I am forced to bend the head of the arrogance and Hitler, even if reluctantly, to sign agreements Monaco: October 4 "break" with the Popular Front who has harshly criticized "surrender" to Hitler. In fact, his policy is uncertain, which will be redeemed in 1939, when it will honor its commitments to Poland.
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Henri Philippe Petain
Henri Philippe Petain, French marshal and politician, was the leader of the pro-German Vichy government, set up in 1940, after the defeat of France before the German advance in World War II. General during the First World War, came to the fore for the effective defense of Verdun against the German troops in 1916. The following year he obtained the command of the army and managed to stem the tide of serious mutinies that occurred in previous months, in 1918 he was appointed marshal of France after the war he served service in French Morocco. In 1934 he became Minister of War, and later was ambassador to Spain (1939-1940), but after the German invasion of France (1940) was recalled and appointed deputy prime minister. In June of that year replaced as Prime Minister Paul Reynaud and 22 month signed an armistice with Germany. Obtained full powers by the National Assembly, meeting in Vichy, he became head of the new collaborationist government of France not yet occupied. Together with Prime Minister Pierre Laval, imposed a fascist regime, which is closely dependent on Hitler's Germany. When the Allies landed in France in 1944, Petain fled to Germany and then, after the fall of the Third Reich, in Switzerland. After the war he returned voluntarily to France, where he formed and was tried for high treason. In August 1945 he was sentenced to death after the sentence was commuted.
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Charles de Gaulle
Born in Lille on November 22, 1890, 18 years chose a military career and in August 1914, at the outbreak of World War I, is lieutenant. Taken prisoner by the Germans in 1916, will be released with the armistice in September the following year. Become a captain in '22 and get admission to school of war. In '31 is posted at the General Secretariat of the defense, and that's where she gets involved in the affairs of state. On 3 September of '39, when France declared war on Germany, he reached the rank of colonel. France, arrives in fatal rendezvous social and political disaster. In '36 the Popular Front of the left wins the election, but the Socialist government of Leon Blum fails to revive the fortunes of the country, coming unprepared for war. On 1 June '40 de Gaulle was appointed brigadier general and undersecretary of defense. But the situation worsened. In mid-June, returning from a meeting with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, in Bordeaux learned of the resignation of Prime Minister Paul Reynard, replaced by Marshal Philippe Petain, who immediately hastened to seek an armistice with Germany. For France began a period that still weighs on the conscience of many: the "collaboration" with the occupants, who will bring a part of French society, first of all, the government moved to Vichy, to share hatred and the madness of the Nazis. De Gaulle repairs in London where, on June 18, launches from the microphones of the BBC a famous appeal to the French because they resist the Germans. A few days after the armistice complaint and this is a death sentence in absentia. From Africa to organize the forces of Free France and 3 June of '44 was appointed interim president of the republic by the Defence Council, who was born in Congo in the '40s. A government that at the end of October, is recognized by the major powers, U.S., USSR and Great Britain. Won the war, the Nazis expelled from France, de Gaulle in early '46 puts his term as provisional president, with the hope that the country will still appeal to him. But the elections to be place in autumn they see defeat. Hence, the IV th Republic, almost a photocopy of the previous one. However, de Gaulle is now launched into politics and, in April '47, gives his movement, the "Rassemblement du peuple français", which immediately gives a great result in local elections. But in the policies of '51, the positive effect deflates. For the General began a period of voluntary exile in his political retirement of Colombey-les-Deux-Eglise, while the country measure of the difficulties created by the political system of government introduced by the IV th Republic and the beginning of the end of what had been the colonial empire. But after the defeat at Dien Bien Phu in May 1954, De Gaulle is recalled from exile, and on June 1, '58, is elected by the National President of the Council. On 21 December he was elected president of the republic. At midnight and ten in the April 28, resigned as chairman in April '69 after de Gaulle promote a referendum to give more power to the regions and the Senate, but was beaten. He died November 9, 1970, in self-exile.
De Gaulle and Kennedy
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Paul Reynaud
Paul Reynaud, who was born in Barcelonnette, Basses-Alpes in 1878, was French politician, Prime Minister when German troops invaded the country in 1940. During the thirties he was several times Minister of Finance, and Keeper of the Colonies. On Armistice opponent claimed the all-out war against the German aggressors. He formed his Cabinet in March 1940, just months after the outbreak of World War II. In May of that year, France was invaded German troops and Reynaud found himself having to face even the growing pressure from other members of the government, which insisted that the country put forward a request for an armistice. Rather than surrender, Reynaud decided to resign, shortly after he was arrested by the new government of Vichy. After the war he returned to active politics, and in 1958 he chaired the committee that ratified the constitution of the Fifth Republic. He died in Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1966.
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Pierre Laval
Pierre Laval (Càteldon, Puy-de- Dome 1883 - Fresnes, 1945), French politician, headed the collaborationist Vichy government during the German occupation during the Second World War. Between 1931 and 1935 was several times minister. As Foreign Minister in 1935 concluded a pact of mutual military assistance with the Soviet Union and, with England, the so-called Hoare-Laval agreement, with which the two countries recognized, in practice, legitimacy to the expansionist ambitions of Fascist Italy in Etiopia.L 'public outcry for it will invalidate this agreement and led to the overthrow of Laval (January 1936). France defeat by the Germans in June 1940 Laval, who wanted peace at any cost, became deputy chairman of the interim government collaborator, based in Vichy, and the right wing of Prime Minister, Marshal Henri-Philippe Petain, who concluded an armistice with Germany. Two years later, Laval, became head of the government was fully cooperating with the Axis powers. He abolished the last remnants of the parliamentary system and sets the government Vichy based on the principles of the totalitarian Nazi Germany. After the liberation of France was tried and convicted of treason and collaboration with the enemy, October 15, 1945 was executed.
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt
the eve of World War II has the rank of major, but since 1942 makes a spectacular rise, which port to become commander of U.S. ground forces in Europe. Design the invasion of North Africa and arrived in Algeria in a submarine to prepare for action with the French. At the head of the Fifth Army in September 1943 landed at Salerno, then managed to resist German attacks.
failed attempt to guide the Allied landing at Anzio, and order the bombing of Monte Cassino, where will be severely criticized. On June 5, 1944 in Rome enters. He then became commander of all allied forces in the Mediterranean. After the war the commander of occupation forces in Austria and Head of UN forces in Korea, before retiring in 1953. He died in 1984.
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, New York, January 30, 1882 from an ancient family with distant origins in the Netherlands. He graduated in law at Groton School and Harvard. Only twenty-eight years, the young lawyer was able to get into politics, becoming elected to the Democratic Party, Senator of the State of New York. In 1920 he was Secretary of State under President Wilson to the Navy, then ran, always with the Democrats, Vice-President. Unfortunately the year following was hit by a severe attack of polio, which deprived him for ever use of his legs crushed and that the political rise. After nine years with a huge effort of courage and the help and support of his wife, Eleanor ambitious, he managed to recover and was elected governor of New York. In 1932 he ran for the Democratic Party, as president and, on November 8, won the election. Roosevelt won 22,821,857 votes and the votes of 472 electors, the outgoing President Hoover had only 59 15.016.43 votes and electors. President - elect won a majority in 42 out of 48 states. The Socialist candidate N. Thomas picked up 824,781 votes and the Communist candidate W. Zebulon Foster only 102,000 votes. At that time America was in a serious economic and social crisis that had caused a collapse of the productive apparatus. But the president - elect, who has long collaborated with a team of experts, journalists were called "Brain - Trust" does not show his cards until they have settled permanently in the White House. Before Hoover refused to consult with, then he does not hold nearly never fulfilled. In fact, February 15, 1933 in Miami, in Florida, an Italian communist, Giuseppe Zangara, a long time already resident in the United States, fired seven shots at Roosevelt. The president, who was returning from a cruise to the Bahamas on the yacht of his friend V. Astor, left unharmed by the attack, but the mayor of Chicago, Anton Cermak, who was sitting beside him, was very seriously wounded and died on 6 March.
Roosevelt and England's Royal
The murderess was immediately arrested, was sentenced to the electric chair and was executed on March 20 of that year in a prison of the State of Florida. This episode was considered a good omen by the Americans: unlike Lincoln, Garfield and McKiley by the President, like his distant cousin Theodore Roosevelt, had escaped death in an attack. Saturday, March 4, 1933 Roosevelt, as indicated by reporters with only initials FDR, lent a solemn oath on the family Bible, in ceremony, the president in Washington was attended by more than one hundred thousand people despite the icy wind and the threat of an impending snowstorm. The agricultural and industrial production was paralyzed by a crisis of overproduction and unemployment was growing at an alarming rate: more than 13 million unemployed, of which 1 million in New York alone, 350,000 American boys had left school and 20,000 graduates were searching in vain a job. Huge industrial profits were concentrated in the hands of a small circle of people, the great mass of consumers had, however, income low purchasing power and therefore could not keep pace with production, and the unbridled financial speculation had turned the stock market from its normal balancing function, the Republican administration, not faithfully following the principle of state intervention in economic matters - social, had not sought any remedy for the crisis. On March 6, 1933 Roosevelt summoned Congress into a special session and, referring to a law of 1917, decided to close all banks for four days, placed an embargo on gold and silver and suspended the convertibility of the dollar . These decisions did not fail to impress the world, but all Americans approved of the decision that Congress had granted full powers to the president. "FDR" ordered the issuance of $ 2 billion, suspended on gold transactions and forbade private citizens to possess, with very serious threats of sanctions. The psychological effect was remarkable, even more validated by the so-called conversation by the fireplace "to which, through the radio and called for all American citizens on Sunday, March 12: For the first time a U.S. president came personally to the homes of all, calling them "My dear friends ..." and went on to say "... civilization is an old tree: as it grows increase the rotten branches. abbattiamolo The Radicals say, the Conservatives tocchiamolo not say, we Liberals seek the to save the old trunk and branches of young people. "Shortly after the Congress followed the directives of the President: 15% reduced wages and pensions, and sent 250,000 young unemployed people to work on the reforestation of forests for $ 30 per month. Even Wall Street reacted positively to the presidential directives: when the banks reopened, the prices went up 15% at one time, who had changed with the gold stocks and bonds. The Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA) resolved the crisis of agricultural overproduction, establishing awards and compensation for farmers who had reduced the area under cultivation. Another ratification of the Congress Party, the end of the "Prohibition": now they could make (and eat) beer with 3.2% alcohol. On 7 April, some crates of beer were brought from Milwaukee to Washington, then a truck, decorated with the colors of the Union, was transported to the White House with a sign "Mr. President, the first beer is for you." Eleanor Roosevelt strongly prohibitionist, he transferred the funds to the "Press Club", knowing the tastes of the press. In 1935 Roosevelt took up the defense policy of the working classes, with the National Labor Relations Act, better known as the "Wagner Act" which established the freedom of association, and the Fair Labor Standard Act (1938), aimed at bringing an end at Work (40 week) and a limit on wages. Instituted also the Tennessee Valley Authority, the exploitation of one of the largest hydroelectric reservoirs of the United States, making the country a formidable competitor in private industry. On November 4, 1936 FD Roosevelt was re-elected U.S. president by a majority of 60.8% of the vote: 27,752,869 votes Popular collected and the votes of 523 electors of the state, while the Republican Landon AM to get only 16674665000 8 votes and electors. High finance was always hostile to the President, unable to understand that trying to rationalize the capitalist system. With his plan to reform Roosevelt was able to create a social economic adjustment, but was instead the less effective the work resurgence of production, as evidenced by the data, still very high unemployment. As regards foreign policy Roosevelt remained until 1937 an attitude of strict neutrality, but when he realized that the absence of the United States from world affairs favored in Europe, the rise of Nazi fascism and Japanese imperialism in the East, decided to intervene. In Chicago, delivered the "Sermon on the quarantine", in October 1937, denouncing the American people the threat of fascism and, from that moment on, he adopted a firm attitude towards the totalitarian powers. In 1940, Roosevelt was elected for the third time, made unique in the history of the Union, was granted by Congress the abolition of the law neutralist, while preparing its policy for entry into the war, gave to England and its allies all sorts of aid. The Japanese attack the American base at Pearl Harbor, the Pacific Ocean, officially marked the U.S. entry into war, Roosevelt again took over the situation with his usual grim: he worked closely with the Prime Minister W. English Churchill, with whom, in August 1941, had established the principles of the new order in the "Atlantic Charter". He also tried working with the other major ally, the USSR, speaking in the historic meeting of the Big Three, "which took place in Casablanca, Quebec, in Cairo, in Tehran and Yalta, during which he distinguished himself as the great enemy of the Nazi threat. But this was the last of his titanic battles, was never able to see the outcome and success: he died at 63, 12 April 1945 shortly after he assumed the presidential office for the fourth time.
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Dwight D. Eisenhower
Bringing to the Presidency his prestige as commanding general of the victorious forces in Europe during World War II, Dwight D. Eisenhower obtained a truce in Korea and worked incessantly during his two terms to ease the tensions of war fredda.Egli follow 'moderate policies "of the modern Republican," pointing out when he left office, "the' America is now the strongest , the most influential and most productive nation in the world. "
Born in Texas in 1890, brought up in Abilene, Kansas, Eisenhower was the third of seven children. He excelled in sports in high school and received an appointment to West Texas Point.Stazionò as a second lieutenant, where he met Mamie Geneva Doud, whom he married in 1916.
In his early career of the 'army, he excelled in staff assignments, under the command of General John J. Pershing, Douglas MacArthur, and Walter Krueger. After Pearl Harbor, General George C. Marshall called him to Washington to work on plans for a guerra.Egli commanded Allied forces landed in North Africa in November 1942 in the D-Day, 1944, he was supreme commander of the troops who invaded France.
After the war, he became President Columbia University, then took leave to assume supreme command over the new NATO forces dellla 1951.Inviati Republicans gathered in his quarters near Paris persuaded him to run for president in 1952. "I Like Ike" (I like Ike) was an irresistible slogan; Eisenhowe won by a wide margin. Negotiated by military force, tried to reduce the tensions of war fredda.Nel 1953, the signing of a truce brought an armed peace along the border of South Korea. The death of Stalin the same year caused shifts in relations with Russia.
(from left) Eisenhower, Bradley, Patton
New Leader of Russia agreed to a peace treaty neutralizing Austria 's. Meanwhile, both Russia and the United States had developed hydrogen bombs. With the threat of such destructive force hanging over the world, Eisenhower, with the heads of the governments of Britain, France and Russia, met in Geneva in July 1955. The President proposed that the United States and Russia to exchange programs and provide their military establishments within the country propi servizzi for aerial photography to 'another country. The Russians greeted the proposal with silence, but were so cordial during the meeting that the tensions are stretched. Suddenly, in September of 1955, Eisenhower was hit by a Scripting heart of Denver, Colorado. After seven weeks he left the hospital in February 1956 doctors reported his guarigione.A November he was elected for his second term.
In domestic policy the President follow a middle course, continuing most of the New Deal and Fair Deal ", emphasizing on a budget equilibrato.Come the abolition of racial segregation in schools, sent troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, to assure compliance with the orders of a federal court, also ordered the abolition of racial segregation in the armed forces. "There must be no second-class citizens in this country," he writes. Before I let 's office in January 1961, to his farm in Gettysburg, he urged the need to maintain a sufficient military force, but warned' that continued military expenditures could produce potential dangers to our way of life. Concluded with a prayer for peace "in the goodness of time. Both themes remained timely and urgent when he died after a long illness, March 28, 1969.
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Douglas MacArthur
Born in 1880, he entered the military academy at West Point at age 19 and leaving with the rank of lieutenant of genius in 1903. Wounded in World War I, in 1935 in the Philippines as military adviser to President Manuel Quezon. At the time of the Japanese, MacArthur reveals serious errors in assessing the enemy's strategy and in setting up the U.S. defense system of the archipelago. On the orders of Roosevelt left the garrison at Corregidor in March 1942 and reaches luckily I 'Australia.Al time to embark pronounces the sentence remained famous: "I've done it, but I shall return." Military information to the Office for asks him to change the subject of the sentence with the first person plural ("we will return") opposes a MacArthur rebuffed.
MacArthur during the signing of the surrender of Japan
Less than two years after failing to deliver on the promise, immortalized in the photos of the reporters with his ever-present sunglasses at the time of the American landing in the Philippines. Deep knowledge of military history, General MacArthur is a fine, which introduces a new way to defeat the opponent. Similar to what I expected judo, he has based its strategy on the principle that an attack is launched at a time and place where the opponent is in an unbalanced position. Rejected any suggestion of frontal attack to the Japanese armed fortifications, MacArthur opted for enveloping maneuvers to isolate the Japanese, cutting and communications lines rifornimento.E 'among the first to warn that war in the Pacific area of \u200b\u200boperation includes the mainland and the sea in the same manner. So Iogistica relies on a role and does not neglect the importance of the environment: "Nature - she would later say, is neutral in the war, but if one wins and no enemy, it becomes a powerful ally."
As a continuation of war will always be in direct conflict with ChesterW Nimitz, commander in chief flota the Pacific, and will be among the protagonists of the American charged as commander in chief of ground forces. lI September 2, 1945 Mac Arthur received the capitulation of the SOI Levante on deck of the battleship Missouri in subsequent years - as head of the supreme command of the Allied Powers - the governor of Japan. Chaired by the democratization and demilitarization of the country occupied by Americans and a small contingent of Australian and plays an active role
in economic reconstruction and in issuing the new Constitution.
In 1951 his intention to attack China in order to give a turn to the Korean War and to make use of the bomb Atomic will put an end to one of the longest careers in the history of the U.S. military. He died in 1964.
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Chester William Nimtz
inTexas Founded in 1885 by a German family. He graduated from the Naval Academy in 1905, in World War I he served on a navigation sommergibile.Alla head of the Office of the U.S. government, comes into contact with President Roosevelt who appreciate the quality suffered. Nimitz optimistically assess the disaster at Pearl Harbor and was promoted admiral, starts (assisted by a team of world-class men) reconstruction of the American fleet. Later say: "We have God's mercy that our fleet is at Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941."
Men's affable and informal ways, but when the occasion demands, determined and inflexible, in April 1942 he was appointed commander of the American Pacific fleet. Plan to detail the battles of the Coral Sea naval aviation and the conquest of Midway and Guadalcanal, focusing on the reliability of U.S. intelligence information. After processing the Guadalcanal offensive STRATEGY based on the war with the succession of amphibious landings in the Pacific Islands.
is the strategist guerrasottomarina which destroys the Japanese merchant fleet, culminating in the strangulation of the economy of the Rising Sun in early 1945. Must bend to the will of Roosevelt, welcomed the MacArthur's opinion of his rival, he opts for the reconquest of the Philippines and abandons the idea of \u200b\u200bbetting on Formosa and China. October 1944 destroyed the Japanese Combined Fleet at the Battle of Leyte. From the island of Guam, the Americans win in August 1944, directs the operations of landing on Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Its historical merit is that he won (in less than four years) a war with a naval fleet at the beginning of hostilities was numerically and militarily inferior to that of the opponent. In November 1945, at the time of the withdrawal of Admiral Ernest J. King was appointed supreme commander of the navy. He died in 1966.
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George S. Patton
veteran of the Great War, during which fought on the French front, will play an important role in some of the major campaigns of World War II, demonstrating excellent skills in the war engine.
After leading the ground troops who win Casablanca and Morocco, in March 1943 he was appointed commander of the American body II in Tunisia. Promoted to lieutenant general, brings to completion in 38 days, with the Seventh Army, the Sicilian campaign. In June 1944 the head of the Third Army during the Normandy invasion, and later his advancing armored units in France, winning the UK and going as far as Orleans before cutting the country to Lorraine. Content after the German offensive in the Ardennes, Patton moves beyond the Rhine to the gates of Prague, where he was stopped for political reasons. He died in Germany in 1945, for the consequences of an automobile accident.
France - Patton reviews the troops
Patton lingers with a Soldier in Messina, often deals with the troops in informally.
Willy "Alexander" the Petbull Terrier Patton, a friend of many battles
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Omar N. Bradley
Commander of II Corps in North Africa, conquered Bizerte in May 1943 and was appointed lieutenant-general. In the summer of 1943 led troops in the invasion of Sicily. Eisenhower made with the Normandy landings, during which commands the U.S. forces. On land, his troops have joined those of Patton to form the largest training military in the history of the United States, he leads the final offensive against Nazi Germany. Conquest Brittany, Paris and Cologne and Trier, before rejoining the Russian troops, April 25, 1945. After the war, from 1949 to 1953, is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He died in 1981.
(from left) Bradley, Montgomery, Dempsey
Bradley with Major General Terry de la Mesa Allen (left)
commander of the 1st Infantry Division.
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Mark W. Clark
son of an army colonel, fought in France in 1918.
the eve of World War II has the rank of major, but since 1942 makes a spectacular rise, which port to become commander of U.S. ground forces in Europe. Design the invasion of North Africa and arrived in Algeria in a submarine to prepare for action with the French. At the head of the Fifth Army in September 1943 landed at Salerno, then managed to resist German attacks.
failed attempt to guide the Allied landing at Anzio, and order the bombing of Monte Cassino, where will be severely criticized. On June 5, 1944 in Rome enters. He then became commander of all allied forces in the Mediterranean. After the war the commander of occupation forces in Austria and Head of UN forces in Korea, before retiring in 1953. He died in 1984.
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was born in Lamar, in Missouri, in 1884, in a famigIia of farmers. Participates in the First World War as an artillery officer and exercise various trades and businesses before entering politics in the ranks of the Democratic Party. Missouri state senator (1934-44), working at work legislation promoted by President Roosevelt. In 1941 he acquired a considerable prestige to the guidance of a Board of Inquiry of the Senate on national defense program, which highlights waste and deficiencies in the sector. Elected Vice-President of the United States in 1944 next to Roosevelt, it takes the place of his death in April 1945.
During the few months of his vice president had no active part in major policy decisions of the country finds itself, without any specific experience to address complex issues in the final stages of the war and having to make crucial choices; aware of this, it will address reporters: "Guys, if you've never prayed, now pray for me."
follows a line of continuity with the choices of his predecessor, relying on the support of a small group of advisers. Join the Potsdam Conference, at which inform the Allies that the United States have developed the atomic bomb, bringing to fruition a project which he has recently taken in full knowledge. Determined to accelerate the unconditional surrender of Japan and save the greatest number of lives of his countrymen, he decided to use the new weapon on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, making a choice which always confirm the validity, as dictated by purely military considerations. In the postwar American foreign policy orientation towards action to contain the expansion of communism and support for European democracies. In March 1947, before Congress stating the "doctrine" which he named, to promote a policy of aid to Greece and dellaTurchia, opens the line of military and economic intervention in support of countries threatened by the Soviet Union, and work for the implementation of the "European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan) to finance reconstruction in Europe. In the following years will manage the crucial stages of the Cold War. In domestic policy supports a line of moderate reformism, are having to counter the opposition of the Republican majority in Congress and some of his own party. In 1948, contrary to expectations, is re-elected president. With the creation of NATO launches the construction of a system of Western defense, and in 1950 decided the U.S. intervention in North Korea, however, opposing plans to extend the conflict supported by the general MacArthur.Alla mandate ends in 1952, retires from politics.
He died in 1972.
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George Catlett Marshall
George Catlett Marshall, U.S. General , was born in Uniontown, Pennsylvania in 1880. In 1939 he was appointed chief of army staff. In December 1941 he became responsible for the formation and organization of U.S. troops on all fronts in battle with the outbreak of World War II and the U.S. intervention in the conflict. Adviser to the President Franklin D. Roosevelt, participated in the Allied conferences at Casablanca, Quebec, Teheran, Yalta and Potsdam. In 1945, President Harry S. Truman appointed him ambassador to China. In 1947, Marshall replaced James Francis Byrnes as Secretary of State and started the program of economic aid, known just as the Marshall Plan, under which the U.S. provided funding to the countries of Western Europe for post-conflict reconstruction. In the years 1950-51 Marshall was secretary of defense. In 1953 he was awarded the Nobel prize for peace, in view of his contribution to European economic renaissance. He died in Washington in 1959.
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Winston Churchill
Little Winston's son Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill, the third son of the Duke of Marlborough, and the American Jessie Jerome, daughter of the owner of the New York Times, was born on 30 November 1874 in the ancestral palace of Blenheim, near Woodstock. He spent a childhood like many little children of the nobility in the care of a loving nurse who was doing his best to compensate for the indifference of parents to him. Moreover, the father was too involved in political activity, which would soon lead to the post of Minister for the Conservative government of India in Salisbury. For its part, the mother was too attractive woman, free and uninhibited to wear in the clutches of a quiet family ménage: dances, receptions and a generous number of fans (including the future King Edward VII) represented its major interests. Winston grew up with this sense of neglect. Before school even someone considered delayed, because of his restlessness and very little sense of discipline. Defects perhaps widely acceptable today but which were considered unpardonable in a young man a subject of Her Majesty. At 7 years, with enrollment at St. George's School Ascot, began his ordeal in the classroom, which will last until the military academy at Sandhurst in 1893. Insolent and arrogant with his peers and professors, proved to be a landslide in all those matters which should have been more ennobling the soul of a young member of the gentry (the aristocracy). Latin, greek, French and mathematics will always be his black beasts. Despite bad reviews, at fourteen he was admitted to the College of Harrow (the Academic Senate would not take the responsibility to refuse the son of an ex-minister!), But the situation did not improve. "Winston - he wrote his mother a teacher - has deteriorated over the quarter. Constantly late for school, lost books, notebooks and various other things that I do not need to specify. It is so regular in its irregularities that do not know what to do, and sometimes I think we can not do anything. "To fill the gaps was repeatedly inserted into remedial classes. For its part, the mother tried to encourage it with letters of reprimand." Your report card [... ] is very bad. Work in a manner so bumpy and irregular you are going to succeed last. [...] Dear Winston, you make me very unhappy ... The way you work is an insult to intelligence. "But the intelligence and memory above all he had to sell. At Harrow he showed two of the qualities he finds most would characterize the years ahead: a formidable memory (it is said repeated whole scenes by heart the works of Shakespeare and thousands of lines of Macaulay) and a happy talent for journalistic writing (here he began his career writing for the school newspaper, the Harrowian). Directs him toward the career military father. Intrigued by his inordinate passion for toy soldiers asked him if he would have liked the military life. "I thought - years after he told the Winston - who would have been great to command an army, and immediately said yes and immediately I was taken at its word. For years I thought my father with his experience and his insight had identified me quality of military genius. But later they said it was simply come to the conclusion that I was not smart enough to get nell'avvocatura. The relationship between the two were never easy. In 1893, Randolph said of his son, at the height of his academic failure, who had "a lack of available intelligence, culture or any capacity for organized study. His great talent and is nell'esagerazione nell'imbroglio.
its part, Winston - although in 1906 he paid tribute to the memory of his father with an impressive laudatory biography - told years later in private: "I do not listening, not taking anything I said in the slightest consideration. It was not possible to have no relationship of friendship with him [...] It was so egocentric that there was no one else for him. "Not even the entrance to the Royal Military College, Sandhurst was easy. The school known for junior officers for the army and the cavalry pushed him away with entrance exams for twice. Only after taking copious repetitions private managed in 1893 to overcome the obstacle. In the two years of college he began to show in the habit of wanting to discuss the orders of his superiors, to the abysmal gaps in Latin and French and for writing some articles for the Pall Mall Magazine. But the real entry into adulthood was in 1895, when her mother, with connections in high places, was able to assign it to one of the most prestigious army regiments Victorian, the Fourth Hussars. Before leaving for India, where he was stationed, the regiment, young subordinates were given almost three months of license. Winston, eager to experience and wars, found no better way to spend the holiday in Cuba, writing reports for the Daily Grapic accompanying the English army, then engaged in the suppression of a guerrilla insurgency. Excited by this adventure, which saw him expose himself to fire on the front line in more than one occasion, he then struggled to adapt to the placid pace of life in India. Arriving in 1896 in Bangalore, to kill time is devoted to the collection of butterflies, the pole at the races with horses, reading (Plato, Aristotle, Gibbon, Schopenhauer) and writing a novel. As long as the peace was broken by another licensing and contemporary Pathan uprising of the tribes in the rugged mountainous regions of northwestern India. Winston, who had just returned to England from the idleness of Bangalore, did not think twice, packed his bags and reached the scene of clashes obtaining accreditation as a correspondent for the Daily Telegraph and Pioneer.
The correspondence sent from the theater of operations earned him the reputation at home and the purchase of the rights of a publisher, who in 1898 they extracted a book successful Trade, The Story of the Malakand Field Force. Curious image that Winston Churchill was built in the latter end of the nineteenth century. And even a little 'ambiguous. Because in addition to being a journalist - or as we would say today, a special envoy - was still the army of his majesty and in this capacity participated in the fighting then described to his readers, often allowing himself the luxury, or impertinence, to openly criticize the tactics of the British Army. But under the guise of a young officer warlike, warmongering, exalted by the charm of a cruel war waged increasingly in the name of the superiority of English civilization, hiding a wild ambition for glory and medals ("I'd like to go home and go with my medals at an important dinner or some ceremony, "he wrote at home). The historian William Manchester, in his massive biography (Curchill the last lion, Frassinelli) so this has dashed his true character:" Calling hunter advertising - other epithet that could be heard in the dining halls - was a bit 'strong. But not entirely false. [...] He had no interest in military careers, and wanted to use the service to boost its prospects in public life. "And the strongest push came from the participation in two other events that launched his war to the attention of 'public opinion in his country. The first hot spot for profit the search for a shred of glory was the Sudan, where the Anglo-Egyptian army was committed to regaining control of areas under control of the Dervishes. Churchill took part in the campaign and epic cavalry charge of the 21st Lancers at the Battle of Omdurman in September 1898, which led, at the cost of heavy losses, the victory over the forces of the caliph. The personal achievement for our young hero was a series of well-paid correspondence published by the Morning Post and a volume with an account of the campaign, which launched saccenza with some criticism of the commander in chief Kitchener, particularly with respect to some cruel torture and killings of prisoners. Kitchener many years later will have the opportunity to avenge this affront. A year from this adventure Churchill arrived in South Africa, again as a correspondent for the Morning Post, to tell in the first stages of the war between British and Boers. Now famous, rich and a bit 'spoiled (of his personal luggage belonged fifty bottles of wine, scotch and many a score of between port and vermouth), had resigned the Fourth Hussars to devote himself to journalism and policy. But the courage and boldness were the same as ever. He was captured by the Boers during an attack on the armored train was traveling in the wake of British troops and, despite being caught with weapons in hand - he was officially a civilian - miraculously escaped execution. Internships in Pretoria with other British officers managed to escape and reach the daring Portuguese territories. Not satisfied, he did give the leadership of a corps of volunteers who participated in the final stages of the war and the conquest of Pretoria. The fruit of many adventures frantic Churchill capitalized and not just in yet another extremely successful book (How I escaped the Boers), but a candidate for the House of Commons from the Tory ranks for the elections of 1900. It was not his first job, as had already been presented, without success, the previous year. This time, however, did not fail. He had not yet turned 26 when he was elected.
His exploits the municipalities immediately aroused a sensation. The first speech was resolved in fact a defender of the Boer, now vanquished but still face a tight repressive crackdown by British troops. After having fought them the right to ask for mercy. "I admired the tenacious resistance of the Boers - he claimed later - I hear disparaging offended, and I hoped that we could have won it after legarceli steadily giving them an honorable peace. For me to burn their farms a retaliatory act was hateful and idiotic" . That will also adopt a magnanimous attitude towards the defeated opponents in the first and second world war. On this occasion But there was also a good deal of flair in capturing the feelings of the public, tired of the military. The same instinct that led him quickly to make his iconoclastic positions once taken by his father in the Conservative Party. "As Randolph - has written in Guido Gerosa Pros and Cons Churchill - Winston proved to be a born dissident. His first act, contrary to all of its martial past, was to rebel against the balance sheets of war. [...] That is resumed controversy of his father who had to resign as Chancellor of the Exchequer on account of his reluctance to increase military spending. Winston also was opposed to protectionism of Joseph Chamberlain, which dictated law in the party. He became a champion of economic liberalism and makes frequent tours in the country to propagate the laissez faire, laissez passer. "So it was that unusual from conservative Churchill in 1904 made a classic jump of quail. Unpopular with his party, alien to respect for logic deployment of new flaps and eager, went through the ranks of liberals, the traditional opponents of the conservatives. "turncoats" and "traitor" were more related epithets that rose from the benches of his former party colleagues. The choice was certainly painful, but once again the smell had guided him. They Gone are the days of Victorian England, traditionalist and imperialist. He said on that occasion: "Some party changed in the name of principle, others change principles in the name of the party. "He chose loyalty to free-trade convictions, but not without keeping a proper balance with the fact that the British balance of political power was slowly shifting to the Liberal ranks. In the new alignment went to welcome him with open arms by none other than David Lloyd George, who took a liking to it as one of his closest collaborators and harmony. As compensation for the sudden conversion to the Liberal Party won in 1905 Churchill was appointed undersecretary for the Colonies in the Campbell Liberal government -Bannerman, who distinguished himself by advocating the cause of independence of the Boers. The international politics in those years did not offer another: the clouds just ten years after the storm had triggered the great war was not yet on the horizon. Churchill later wrote: "[nations] were well placed and solidly anchored, it seemed, a huge swing. The two mighty European systems [Triple Alliance and Entente Cordiale; ed] before they were shining and resonant in their armor, but with a quiet look. A proper, fair, peaceful and altogether sincere diplomacy extended its network of both. One sentence in a despatch, the observation of an ambassador, a cryptic statement in Parliament was sufficient to maintain the balance Day by day, this prodigious structure. Bizarre and unpredictable, the aristocratic Churchill also gave a violent steering to the left in regard to his convictions in political interna.Appoggiò tenacity with the enactment of laws for the creation of a pension system, assumed populist attitudes and called upon the redemption of the masses with a tone that, according the historian Alan Moorehead (Churchill and his world, Peruzzo 1965), "would not look into the mouth of a Labor-day." In 1908 he was made Minister of Commerce of the Cabinet of the Liberal Herbert Henry Asquit and, as regards his private life, he married Clementine Hozier, belonging to a wealthy Scottish family. Lady Clementine, with whom he had five children, will be the only love of a lifetime of one man, however, little subject to the calls of female sensuality. The shining star of Churchill, for better or for worse, now throughout the country. An inevitable step on the road that seemed to have to lead to lightning speed to the head of the State, was the post of interior minister, obtained in 1910. But Churchill had just had time to take steps of this new post that's already there are new opportunities. In July 1911 the international climate warming suddenly went with the Agadir crisis, which put emphasis on the colonial ambitions of the Wilhelmine Germany and more generally the German willingness to review the balance of power in the international arena. Faced with the specter of a possible armed confrontation Churchill was chosen for the office of Secretary of the Navy. And with a very specific task: to put the fleet in a "state of immediate and constant preparation for war in case of an attack by Germany." The curious fate of the new minister. Until a few years before had preached the reduction in military spending, and now find themselves having to show off the passion for weapons and war that had so characterized his bellicose youth. The company did not cost him hard, in fact. Admiralty gave evidence as well as an extraordinary organizational skills, also has a great technical insight. He tapped it to modernize the fleet, which was still largely rely on steam propulsion, he concluded the government a contract with the Anglo-Persian Oil Company to ensure effective supply of oil from the Persian Gulf, the bay of Scapa Flow arranged to receive the Home Fleet and was an early supporter of the nascent air power in support for ground operations and sea. August 4, 1914 when Britain went to war the fleet was in full efficiency. But given that the German ships escaped to fight the uncontrollable urge to Churchill had to find some other outlet. It was he, in October of that year, to organize, manage and lead in the first person to defend a British contingent of Antwerp surrounded by German troops. Antwerp fell to the same end, but the momentum of the enemy towards the English Channel was interrupted. It was soon after his return from the continent that was embodied in him one of the boldest strategic projects throughout the First World War, and whose failure last weigh a ton on his subsequent career. Churchill complained about the theory widely rooted among our senior naval officers, that the Navy is working to keep open our communications and block the enemy, and wait for the armies finalize their job. " Instead it was necessary to get out of this impasse. There was the possibility of opening a new front in the Dardanelles: Attacking the tight, controlled by the Turks and the Alliance German, you could re-establish contact with Russia, easing pressure on his forehead, reliance on an involvement of Greece, Bulgaria and Romania, and reopen the maritime trade around the Black Sea at the end Churchill was able to push through his plan, which started in February 1915 with the bombardment ship by one of the close Anglo-French. There was, however, coordination between the Navy and the Army and the landing of Australian and New Zealand Expeditionary Force at Gallipoli in April, ended in failure.
Among organizational deficiencies (of which he became responsible for the same Churchill), jealousies, rivalries and old grudges (War Minister denied that an effective support army operation Kitchener was that Churchill had criticized in his correspondences from Sudan in 1898) that it ended in February 1916 in a disaster: the allies left on the ground thousands of men and the Turks retained control of the straits. The public turned away from Churchill, blaming the major responsibility for the failure. The Times wrote that "British soldiers have died in vain" and that someone would have to assume it. The Morning Post called Churchill a person from "melodrama" and a "megalomaniac". Asquith, the prime minister, said he was "impulsive and driven by the relentless flood of his tongue," and yet "it is a pity that Winston does not have a better sense of proportion. I really do think about him, but I see its future uncertain. I do not think that ever reach the highest levels of politics, despite his wonderful gifts. " Humiliated, downloaded all, Churchill was forced to resign from the Admiralty. The prediction seemed to come true Asquith slowly thereafter. In 1917 he was given an assignment still a certain prestige, the Ministry ammunition, in 1918 the Ministry of War, and again the ministry of the colonies and in 1924 the post of Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Conservative government. In 1929 the Conservatives emerged from the election defeat. Even Churchill left the scene, hated not only the liberals but also conservatives and Labor, with each of them, in his long career he had the chance to clash. He decided to devote himself to journalism, writing of his war memoirs and painting. He was then 55 years. The apprenticeship was now over for some time. It would take Hitler to give a new life and a new youth to the old lion.
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Arthur Nevile Chamberlain
"umbrella man", was born in Edgbaston (Birmingham) in 1869: it is Conservative MP since 1918. Several times minister, in May 1937 Stanley Baldwin succeeds at the head of the party and the British government. Search to neutralize the aggression of Hitler and Mussolini practicing the policy of 'appeasament "(peace at the cost of concessions) against the opposition of his foreign minister Anthony Eden, who in fact resigned February 21, 1938: he replaced Lord Halifax , which shares the orientation of the premier. When he returned to London after the signing of Monaco, solemnly proclaims the country to bring "peace for our time 'and his good faith is not discussed, despite the denial of the facts.
Bernard L. Montgomery
Kennington Born November 17, 1887, he entered the Military Academy of Sandhurst, which he left in September 1908 with the rank of lieutenant. Participates in the First World War with the rank of captain in 1937 and only reached to the General Assembly. In 1940 during the German attack in France, with its division is forced to re-embark at Dunkirk and up to 1942 will have the command of the south-east England. In the middle of the same year by order of the British Prime Minister Churchill was sent to Egypt to head the Eighth Army. Here between the months of November and October reached the glory, defeating the Battle of El Alamein, Rommel and his Afrikakorps repelling finally Egypt. In July 1943, participating in the landings in Sicily and in December is called home to be placed in command of SHAEFF, the body that organizes inter-Allied landing in Normandy, which then took part after being named Marshal, with the body of 21 ° 'army. After the war in 1946 he was awarded the title of Viscount of El Alamein and appointed Chief of the Imperial. Finally close his career as Supreme Commander of NATO in Europe in 1958. Die in Inlington Mill, near Alton in Hampshire on March 24, 1976.
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