Roberto Benigni at the Festival of Sanremo.
The irresistible force of Beauty MARCELLO Philothea
Who knows the second verse of the Hymn of Italy? Few. There is no reason to doubt however that at least the teachers of Italian in any order and can not ignore. Then there must be a reason why this knowledge does not pass to their students, as one does not pass the Divine Comedy, or The Betrothed viewed with suspicion in every classroom. Without having to bother going to the Greens, if that word was for the Italian school would only aspects of color. The main difficulty then it must be to show the relevance of certain works, because Dante, Manzoni, La Traviata, and also Mameli and Novaro - who wrote the lyrics and the music of the Hymn of Italy - we are talking about the problems we have today.
Each time it is repeated in the television film Dead Poets Society by Peter Weir, or Roberto Benigni appears on television, as happened Thursday at the Festival of Sanremo, on the backs of educators should send a shiver of terror. Each time, in fact, demonstrates that anyone can offer the beauty, that beauty is useful for understanding the world (ours, not the works of contemporary authors), because what is beautiful is also often true, authentic. A Sanremo
Benigni brought a history of Italy from the freeze-dried and scanned lines the national anthem, which are certainly not to a level comparable to the verses of poets chief, but they are beautiful as true, inspired by a twenty year old from a visionary ideal sought sincerely to the bitter end.
Excess benign rhetoric has become a cliché, but in this case almost necessary, it is difficult to imagine another way when it should summarize the Risorgimento in half an hour in front of millions of viewers. Just even becomes a rhetorical excess on whether to allow its users to gain the trust of the listener from the register and then change suddenly blurt out one after another high citations, thrown there as if everyone were able to pluck them to emphasize everyone should be able to do so.
But if rhetoric can be considered the method, it is certainly true adherence to the emotional value of unity of the country aroused. There is still a people able to discover common values \u200b\u200bwhen someone knows how to touch the strings just to remind. Forcing players to any team to sing the national anthem is useless. If everyone knew his history, would be superfluous.
to reach this goal, the comedian is spreading in some rudiments of logical analysis and restore the historical truth on the subject of some phrases: "a slave of Rome" is the victory and not Italy. The fact is that never as many have found themselves on this occasion Cavour to cheer for Garibaldi to Pellico, or for that side of Palermo that sparked the revolt of the Sicilian Vespers, killing a soldier who had offended the Angevin wife in a few words for the beauty of freedom. Strange though, because everything is already written in books. Moreover, the anecdotes cited by Benigni are largely those that are on Wikipedia, the first result of any search engine, which, however, almost no one bothers to consult on these issues.
All Quiet on the historical level, it is not Benigni you ask such an effort. Original is the insistence on the concept of beauty which, fortunately, as we are taught in Buddenbrooks Thomas Mann, "we can pierce like a pain, "but certainly" save the world. "There is no other possibility.
(© L'Osservatore Romano - 19 February 2011)
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