Episcopal Conference of Sicily
Regional Office for Migration
The WHO Regional Office for Migration, pastoral organization of the Episcopal Conference that deals with the Sicilian care of people affected by human mobility, is worried that the arrival of several thousand migrants from the southern shores of the Mediterranean, may feed positions of intolerance. The type of media attention that have caused the landings of the last few days is liable to make us forget the fact that a country 60 million people can not go into crisis by the arrival of less than 5,000 desperate people fleeing from hunger, war, injustice. The statements of many politicians must not be misleading: it is not possible, the logic of the emergency, the ruler of a phenomenon as complex as
emigration from the South. The moment of deep uncertainty experienced by the countries of the south coast of the Mediterranean, makes inevitable a rethinking of the Italian policy on immigration and international protection.
Paradoxically, this crisis is an opportunity that can raise, in our country, a comparison on a phenomenon that requires political era marked by reception and integration rather than rejection.
The Episcopal Commission for Migration and the Fondazione Migrantes, bodies of the Italian Church, in a press release dated 17 February this year, have expressed their position, proposing concrete actions, "the reopening of the Centre of Lampedusa and other Centers reception in Italy, the declaration of a state of emergency humanitarian assistance of the Council of Ministers, must attend at least three routes the political and social. "
That's how :
- create a path of structural integration of asylum seekers and refugees in our country, strengthening experience SPRAR (Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees);
- assess the possibility of a special decree on immigration, which allows to offer regular employment of those who come from these countries;
- strengthen international cooperation in the countries of North Africa, with resources and development plans that aim to create macro-and micro-projects, by supporting the leadership of individuals and families from North Africa.
Churches in Sicily at this time you feel particularly Regional Office for Migration, through the Diocesan Directors Migrantes invites the Christian community Island at an additional charge of hospitality, encouraging and supporting attitudes and deeds of brotherly welcome able to help the political class does not respond by closing those who come among us to seek justice, peace and security. The media also calls for more attention towards immigrants, reminding them to respect the Charter of Rome ", a document signed by the Order of Journalists and drafted in an attempt to prevent the spread of inaccurate information or summary information on applicants seekers, refugees or victims of trafficking.
Palermo, February 21, 2011
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