The December 23 is the 357th Day of Gregorian calendar (the 358 th in leap years ). Missing at the end of eight days' years. It is the birthday of Clare.
179 BC - The censor Marcus Aemilius Lepidus dissolve the vow made during the war against the Ligurian and dedicates the temple of Juno Regina in Campo Marzio Rome to .
619 - Election of Pope Boniface V .
800 - Pope Leo III take an oath of purification.
882 - Election of Pope Marino .
1256 - Pope Alexander IV with a bull granting the abbey Bagnara Florensis the monks of St. Our Lady of Glory of Anagni.
1294 - The conclave to elect Pope Boniface VIII meets in Naples .
1295 - consecrated the church of Santa Maria del Pantano to Galeata , FC .
1339 - Simon Boccanegra was elected Doge of Genoa .
1534 - The Parmigianino is hired by Elena Baiardi to fresco the chapel in the church of Santa Maria dei Servi.
1569 - Ivan IV of Russia strangled Philip II (Metropolitan of Moscow) , primate of the Russian Orthodox Church .
1620 - Construction begins of Plymouth Colony .
1688 - James II of England is allowed to escape from the Prince of Orange.
1672 - The discovery Rea (or Rhea, in greek 'Ρέα), the second largest moon of Saturn, by Giovanni Domenico Cassini .
1796 - The territories occupied by French troops Bologna, Ferrara, Modena and Reggio Emilia proclaim the establishment of the Republic Cispadana .
1823 - A Visit of St. Nicholas , attributed to Clement Clarke Moore is published for the first time.
1909 - Albert I of Belgium becomes king.
1910 - Emiliano Figueroa Larraín ends its mandate from the President of Chile and passes the job to Ramon Barros Luco .
1913 - The Federal Reserve instituted .
1915 - Ramón Barros Luco ends its mandate from the President of Chile and passes the job to Juan Luis Sanfuentes Andonaegui .
1916 - World War I: Battle in of Magdhaba , Allied forces capture a Turkish garrison on the Sinai Peninsula .
1920 - Juan Luis Sanfuentes Andonaegui ends its mandate from the President of Chile and passes the job to Arturo Alessandri Palma .
1922 - Pope Pius XI wrote his first encyclical Ubi arcane Of Consilio .
1924 - The first issue of The Baretti fortnightly literature.
1925 - Luis Barros Borgo ends its mandate from the President of Chile and passes the task to Emiliano Figueroa Larraín .
1932 - Arturo Alessandri Palma begins his second term as President of Chile .
1933 - Adolf Hitler a speech to the Hitler Youth .
1936 - L ' Italy sends volunteers Spain during the civil war to fight the Nationalists.
Start the battle for Barcelona with an attack on the Nationalists.
Arturo Alessandri Palma ends his post by President of Chile .
1945 - Pope Pius XII writes the encyclical Orientales Omnes Ecclesias .
1947 - First demonstration of the transistor to Bell Laboratories.
1954 - Isaac Babel is publicly exonerated from the accusations against Stalin .
1956 - Ichiro Hatoyama concludes his post by Prime Minister of Japan He was replaced Tanzan Ishibashi .
1961 - Fiumarella railway disaster: a railroad car crash by a railway viaduct on Cosenza-Catanzaro killing 71 passengers.
1966 - The film The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is projected for the first time in public.
launched the Apollo 8 mission carrying the first men to orbit the Moon .
1969 - An armed gang bursts into the apartment of Deng Xiaoping to make an attempt on his life but finds some armed guards.
1973 - Exit in Italy short novel Rendezvous with Rama of Arthur C. Clarke .
1973 - Discovery of the 16 survivors of the Andes plane crash .
1976 - Born Telecolor International to Catania .
1978 - plane crash Punta Raisi . A DC 9 crashed into the sea and 108 people die.
military units of ' Soviet Union occupy Kabul, the capital of' Afghanistan.
The data of the light curve to detect the presence of a Metis moon around the asteroid 9 Metis . Further experiments are unable to confirm this hypothesis.
LV Zhuravleva discovers asteroids Annenskij 3724 and 3971 Voronikhin .
The Environmental Protection Agency recommends the evacuation of Times Beach (Missouri) because of dangerous levels of dioxin contamination .
The investigating judge Emilio Ledonne issue a warrant of arrest against Stefano Delle Chiaie .
LG Karachkina discovers asteroids 3345 and Tarkovsky 3675 Kemstach .
Italy , San Benedetto Val di Sambro : the rapid 904 Napoli - Milan , a train full of passengers, largely on the road for the Christmas holidays, is devastated by the explosion of a bomb. At the end of the rescue will be counted 15 dead and over 100 wounded. The attack marks the entrance of mafia in the theater of massacres of state.
L ' Oak Ridge Observatory discovers asteroid 3773 Smithsonian .
François Dossin discovered the asteroid 4440 Tchantchès .
LG Karachkina discovered the asteroid 4626 Plisetskaya.
1987 - The CNR recorded his first domain internet Italian : cnr.it
1990 - The Slovenia vote to secede from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia .
Jan Olszewski began his mandate by Poland's Prime Minister .
Milan Kucan becomes President of Slovenia.
1995 - Lech Wałęsa ends his post by President of Poland and gives way to Aleksander Kwaśniewski .
1997 - Jorn Barger , an American trader hunting enthusiast, decided to open their own personal page to share the results of his research on the internet about his hobby, he published the first blog.
2001 - Federico Ramón Puerta finishes his mandate from president of Argentina, was elected in his place Adolfo Rodriguez Saa .
A MiG-25 PD destroys an unmanned reconnaissance plane RQ-1A Predator 's USAF .
Democracy Christian self-government for is constituted as an autonomous political formation.
The NASA announced that the asteroid Apophis is the first object to achieve the level 2 on the Torino Scale .
The Sudan receives the declaration of a state of war by the neighboring Chad .
Lech Kaczyński becomes president of Poland .
2008 A earthquake hit areas of Parma and Piacenza, no injuries but damage to many historic buildings and antichi.Il earthquake was followed by many aftershocks felt throughout northern Italy.
thanks to Wikipedia and I Netherlands - Koninkrijk der Nederlanden - for the many views of my blog.
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