Yesterday, November 22, started the film festival for schools "look to Solidarity." The first film in the program was "Gran Torino," Clint Eastwood, which was screened in the auditorium of the High School Titus Lucretius Dear Sarno. After the screening, Dr. Monica Savino, a psychologist, said some scenes in the film giving kids food for thought.
The festival, which ends February 7, 2011, part of the project promoted by Branco Solidarity "Cinema and Volunteering", which aims to spread the culture of solidarity and of volunteering through the medium of film, through guided viewing of films related to important social issues such as social exclusion, racism, violence, etc.. Topics of great social concern which will then depth readings with themes and discussions / meetings with teachers.
So the pictures that enter the school to link to other educational activities, through a strong and beautiful cultural experience.
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