change the shortcuts Election The Prefecture will now draw up a table of new constituencies
Daniel Colacino
The provincial council, which met yesterday morning in urgent and extraordinary meeting, approved the only item on the agenda (by 13 votes to 2 with no abstentions and 9) which provided for the preparation of a proposal for a redefinition of the constituencies, including in the area of \u200b\u200bCatanzaro and Lametini, to be delivered to the competent Prefecture for the preparation of the table consists of the new constituencies (rescheduled second the logic of the incorporation) pursuant to the Law 42 of 26 March.
A remodeling that found along most of the members dell'assise intermediate entity, which mandated a bipartisan ad hoc committee to draft an alternative document to be submitted to the same Local Government.
The 80 municipalities of the province, as emphasized in the classroom exponent of the center-Martial Battaglia, were divided according to criteria as objective as possible. "Within the organization I chair - has explained to colleagues - we have taken great care not to fall below the threshold of 10% compared to the 15,000 inhabitants per district under domestic law. One way not to benefit or penalize any reality. From the necessary unpacking, however, derived some slight differences, absolutely imposed by insurmountable obstacles. "
reading the card you realize that the data confirm these allegations. Suffice it to say that the wider the gap between minimum and maximum number of residents for college ranges from 13,907 (9.69% less than the quoted standard of 15,000) of Montepaone Gasperina-to-Squillace 16,903 (plus 9.77%) of Soveria Mannelli-Petrone. Decomposing
instead shows that the distribution of places in Catanzaro are affected six districts, five in Lamezia Terme (with two neighboring municipalities annexes). For the rest include Borgia-Squillace (4), Clairvaux Center (4), Cortale-Vallefiorita (10), Curinga-Maida (4), Guardavalle-Badolato (5), Montepaone-Gasperina-Squillace (6), Nocera Terinese (5), Sella-Botricello Marina (6), Decorah-Serrastretta (7), Sersale ( 7), Soverato-Davoli (3), Mannelli Soveria-PetronĂ (9), Tiriolo-Gimigliano (6). A subdivision that did turn up their nose to several representatives of both sides. Discontent is not confirmed by the large majority with which the proposal is passed. Suffice it to say that directors of "People of Freedom", such as Emilio Verrengia, have chosen the path of abstention. The latter has expressed its astonishment at the agreement of Piero Amato, Wanda Ferro competitors at previous consultations as president of the institution, against a decision that has deprived the capital of two colleges in the past (resulting in even more drastic of the Prefecture, who "cut" one). Despite the criticisms, which also came from Robert Pasqualino of the center, has prevailed will not let it go beyond the deadlines - due today - they are granted for any rebuttal by decisions taken at UN Headquarters dall'Utg. An occurrence more likely that in the absence of agreement in the assembly. As reiterated many times by the Iron and the President of the Council Peppino Rupert who, while noting its role as impartial commission of the act gave great work done. "Commitment - he said - completed in no time." Among those interventions in the classroom Enzo Bruno, Gianpaolo Bevilacqua, Sestito Santo, Franco Conidi, Peter Putame, Massimo Ratti, Riccardo Bruno and Michael Rose.