Sunday, September 5, 2010

Why Is My Kidde Alarm Beeping?

How does "Branco solidarity"

"Branco solidarity" was born from, not random, of 7 friends who have had different experiences in the voluntary sector, leaving out of their organizations, have felt the need to reconstitute itself in a well organized group with a strong identity.

A "flock" that dispersed is found, after various fortunes, with the desire to get back into the game, giving up all carefully calculated, and start creating new and strong alliances in the clarity of purpose and shared values.
A group of people who identify with the core values \u200b\u200bof human history (such as solidarity and mutual help), aiming to create a community richer humanity, more just and more united, opposing the logic of profit and the free action disinterested, to competition and competitiveness mutual collaboration and cooperation.
A group of volunteers who want to defend and promote his idea of \u200b\u200bvolunteering, a volunteer that can combine solidarity and rights, which wants to convey the most vulnerable, who is unable to represent themselves; a voluntary recall to the duties of citizenship given by our Constitution, who feels the protection of the rights of others as his duty.
order for a true citizen is a true volunteer!


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