Monday, January 31, 2011
How Much Does Alloderm Cost
" L 'Education is the heart of what "
" Young than to be loved, they must know they are loved "
Don Bosco.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
I Have A Tights Fetish
Hospitals Mountain. Censor, "to defend the right to health 'for the Regional Council
Bruno Censor (Pd) must defend the hospitals affected by the operation of regional health mountains to protect" the right to health'
30/01/2011 "Do not defend the indefensible and we continue battles instrumental and demagogic, but this hospital is a battle in the mountains where we really believe, no rear, but the defense of territories and populations inside the mountain, towards which we ask the Governor Scopelliti comparison, so let us know, numbers and cards in hand, what is your actual savings. " It is said that the Regional Council of the PD, Bruno Censor in San Giovanni in Fiore. "How do you ensure - added Censor - the right to health in an emergency situation at night with a transfer to hospital of reference (spock or hub)? How do you get to the frame of reference when the roads are icy and impassable? The experimental period until 2012 will be just the prelude to the final closing of hospitals in the mountains. Scopelliti insist to say that this was provided by the repayment plan would be Loiero. If this is wrong, indeed persevere is diabolical error. We think, assuming that health Calabrian necessarily go refurbish and qualified, that this can not be done with no concerted choices with little knowledge of the area. So we've asked and we continue to ask, unheeded, a relationship and dialogue with Scopelliti.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Thanks Messages For Marraige
From the opening address by Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco
"In Italy you breathe ..." a clear moral distress. "
why "you need to stop - all - time, clarity and calm expeditiously, and in the appropriate fora, giving heed the voice of the country who asks to be accompanied with vision and effectiveness of venturing, starting from the front of the ethics of life, the family, solidarity and labor. " This, in short, the "inner portrait" of our country, drawn by the card. Angelo Bagnasco, president of the CEI, in the inaugural opening of the Permanent Council, which opened today in Ancona.
The cardinal said he hoped that exceeds our country, quickly and permanently, the convulsive phase in which mixed in an increasingly threatening the weakness of ethics policy and institutional fibrillation, for which the powers will not only look with suspicion but they tend traps in a logic of conflict which has lasted for too many years. " In particular, he stressed, "are increasing reports that conduct contrary to public decency and perform passages - real or imagined - of styles that are incompatible with the sobriety and propriety, while someone asks what is due to the large amount of investigative tools. " In this way, "is the overall balance that is affected in a gradual manner, as well as the overall image of the country."
The life of a democracy - in fact, the cardinal warned - rests on the ability of each of self-limited, ie to keep wisely within the limits of its prerogatives insurmountable. " "Anyone agrees to assume political office should be aware of the measure and sobriety, discipline and honor that it brings , as well as our Constitution reminds ...".
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Female Brazilian Images
| JOINT Decollatura PROVINCE OF CATANZARO Cap 88041 CF 01207810795 Tf. 0968 096761169 Fax 61247 ________ @ by el paso ________ | |
(REGIONAL LAW 25/11/1996, No. 32 and subsequent amendments and additions)
Under the Regional Law 25 November 1996, n .32 is a competition for the formation of the allocation list of candidates in permanent hiring of accommodation in public housing or new construction that might be available, however, sites in the territory of the City of Decorah intended for all citizens. This list is permanently updated periodically in accordance with art. 23 of the same law.
The housing built with funds belonging to the funds referred to in Law No. 60/1963 are intended for workers who have paid contributions under Presidential Decree No. 1471/1963, as amended (cd GESCAL contributions). The housing total area not exceeding sqm. 45 will assigned a priority, with family and elders of the next training, as required by art. 8, first paragraph, c) and d) and Art. 18, 4) and 5) of the LR No 32/1996. Housing built or restored with the removal and elimination of architectural barriers will be assigned a priority for the handicapped, as defined in art. 8 b) and Art. 18, paragraph 6 of the law. The aforementioned housing and those of area not exceeding sqm. 45 in the previous period, unless it were to be used, in whole or in part for its intended purpose, will be awarded to eligible candidates on the short list.
For the allocation of housing reserved for law enforcement on this issue is set out in paragraph 5, Art. 31, Regional Law No 25/11/1996 32.
In order to receive the award of public housing units, are as follows (Art.
a) Italian citizenship or of a State party to the European Union, citizens of other states shall be permitted only if that right is granted, under conditions of reciprocity, conventions or international treaties, and if the city itself is entered in the appropriate lists of the provincial offices of employment or employment held in Italy duly authorized;
b) Registered place of residence or employment in the sole or main municipality in which the Competition Rules, except in case of employees assigned to serve in new industrial facilities included in this area or migrant workers abroad, for which participation is allowed for a single geographical area;
c) Lack of ownership, usufruct, use, or home on adequate housing the needs of his family, (to be deemed adequate housing needs of the household with a total effective surface area, determined pursuant to art. 13, paragraph 1, letter a) Law 392/1978, of not less than square meters. 45 for a family with 1 or 2 people - mq. 60 for a family with 3 people - mq. 75 for a family with 4 persons - sm. 95 for a family with five or more persons - Article 4, LR n.32/1996)
d) no previous assignments in immediate or future ownership of housing built with public funds or subsidized loans-in previous granted any form - by the State or public institutions, provided the accommodation is not either unusable or expert without giving rise to damages;
s) income no greater than conventional limit for the allocation of housing covered by the Regional Law n.32/1996; (up to the conventional income tax of the total annual income family for the last income tax declaration, before tax and net of contributions Pension and social security and family assistance, including all salaries, allowances, pensions, benefits received under any title, also tax free. The total annual income, calculated as set out above, must not exceed a maximum of Euro 12,394.26 calculated in accordance with art. Law and Article 21 n.457/1978. 9 LR n.32/1996, as follows: the conventional income as defined above shall be reduced by Euro 516.45 for each member of the household beyond the first two up to a maximum of € 3,098.74 and this limit may be exceeded only for children, even adults, as long as the unemployed or students under 26 years);
f) Do not be transferred, in whole or in part, outside the cases provided by law, the lodging of any ERP previously assigned in hiring, not continue to illegally occupy an accommodation of ERP in spite of the intimation of the same issue of the accommodation by the independent operator;
g) Payment of contributions pursuant to subparagraph b) of Article 10 of Law No. 60/1963. The requirement is not necessary if you compete for the allocation of housing is not belonging to the funds of Law 60/1963.
Requirements to compete for housing must be owned at the date of publication of this notice, and at the time of consistent and must remain in the rental relationship.
The requirement in the letter e) shall remain at the grant date, with regard to the limit in force on that date.
requirements of subparagraphs c), d) f) must also be owned by all members of the household of the participant.
The rent will be established under Title III of the Regional Law 32/1996, as amended pursuant to the CIPE of 20 December 1996, taking into account the total income of the household of each beneficiary, also in relation to the composition of the nucleus itself and the application of the rules laid down in Articles. From 12 to 24 of Law No. 392/1978 for fair fee for the bands B and C households falling into the bands A1 and A2 art. LR No 35 32/1996 shall apply the fee Social therein for low-income social groups (pensioners to a minimum, social pensions, income does not exceed two INPS minimum pension, arising solely from employment, etc.)..
The demand for housing allocation should be made mandatory on the form provided free of charge, which can be picked up at the town hall . That form is contained in a detailed questionnaire which each competitor, for the parts that interest him, he was invited to respond as accuracy. Applicants must send by registered mail to the City of Decorah, Piazza G. Perri, 5 - CAP 88041 Decorah (CZ) the application, any documents with attachments, with a copy of the identity card attached, within 30 days from the date of publication. For migrant workers abroad, the deadline for submission of applications is extended by 30 days for residents in the European and 60 days for residents outside Europe.
Applications received after the deadlines listed above will be excluded from the competition.
documents on plain paper, of recent date and not longer than 3 months from the date of this notice to be submitted are as follows:
1. certificate of Italian citizenship;
2. residence certificate;
3. been family;
4. historical master certificate issued by the City which shall include any changes to the applicant's home within two years prior to the date of publication;
5. certificate from a qualified technician capable of showing the location and the size of the property occupied by the applicant at the date of publication;
6. statement stating the task, the workplace and the total income enjoyed by the applicant and his family;
7. certificate issued by the Real Estate Registry proving impossidenza buildings by the applicant and their family members within the province of Catanzaro;
8. Any other documents or other evidence which establish the requirements for the award and the need for housing;
9. Households occupying accommodation improper or unhealthy will produce, in addition to the above documentation, the certificate of the ASP responsible for the area containing the detailed indication of the causes of insanity of improper lodging.
Households of recent training or education who wish to compete for the next housing area not exceeding sqm. 45 (which also benefit the elderly - art.
The presence of families with disabilities, who wish to compete for housing built or recovered by removal of architectural barriers, must submit certificate of reduced or impaired motor skills (Article 3 of Law 5 / 2 / 1992, No 104).
For these categories of competitors, the Commission penitentiary housing assignments will be filled in special lists.
By signing the application, the competitor's responsibility to certify the required qualifications for themselves and their family members, as well as the existence of conditions indicated for the scoring.
The false statements are punishable under the criminal law also involves the exclusion from the competition.
The criteria for the formation of the list, the words for the opposition and the forms of advertising are given in articles. 16-17-18-19-20 and 21 of Regional Law No 32/1996.
Should there be any public calamity this competition may be suspended, and in this case the terms will be reopened for submission of applications by those left homeless as a result of the calamities foretold.
All matters not provided in this announcement shall be applicable rules on subsidized public housing, provided by the LR 11.25.1996, n. 32 and subsequent amendments and additions.
All applications submitted for the allocation of housing prior to any body or office shall not be valid for the purpose of this competition.
The notice and the application form and the relevant legislation, as well as at the Technical Department of the City, is available on the website: .
responsible for this process is the geom. Nicolazzo Joseph tf.: 096861169 - fax: 096861347.
Decorah, 29.12.2010 there
Roll No 396, 29.12.2010 ;
( dr. Sebastiano Cento) ( geom. Mario Riccio)
Saturday, January 1, 2011
American Women's Average Clothes Size
The national president of the Catholic wishes to express best wishes for Christmas and true for the new year to all Italians, believers and nonbelievers, and those coming from other countries seeking in our country a better future. It is a sincere wish, which is rooted in hope - according to the wishes expressed in the note that we had in mid-September - and hope that must guide our steps even in a difficult time of crisis.
We are aware that the festive season approaches with Italy and other pressing concerns, first of all the hardest by the economic crisis on the real life of people and the continuing political crisis. There is, however, allowed, for the good of our civil society, giving the feeling of hope. We would like that feeling at this moment, it was understood the full extent: hope it translates, in real life and in everyday life, in courage, stamina, confidence, firm belief that there will always be storm. Hope is a powerful engine that does not turn off their consciences, not soothes the soul in a calm resignation, on the other hand activates the best resources of the person: personal and community initiative to defend and promote the common good and dignity of each individual, sense of duty and responsibility towards the public sphere, the personal integrity that results in exemplary lifestyle for others. We are called, so widespread and tangible, at a constant seed of good, enabling the entire country to build its future on solid foundations.
In mid-September, Catholic Action the attention placed all themes of "everyday life" that there is negligible, first of all the work, the integration of immigrants, family support, particularly to families in need. Less than two months ago, in Reggio Calabria, Catholics engaged in social Week wrote an ambitious and serious agenda of hope for the country. It proposed, among others, measures to not turn the lack of job insecurity in existence, for self-employment support and cooperation to ensure the full participation of foreigners - the rights and duties - the life of the city, to include criteria morality, transparency and legality in selection of its leaders and political, to untie the social mobility of young people. We also rely on the reform of the electoral law and shared the completion of the institutional reforms necessary to make the country more competitive in the changing global scenarios. We were already in the heart of the political crisis, yet no one wanted to resize the dream of a country fit for everyone. Today, after the confidence vote, the political scene there seems to be even more fragile.
We ask ourselves, is the real intention, possibility, ability to take the agenda of everyday life? There will be conditions for the political class as a whole, really knows how to take upon himself the demand for concrete that comes from ordinary people and families? And in the face of an economic crisis that continues to worry and affect everyday life, there will be a burst of shared responsibility to ensure the country's growth and security of your account? We can not deny that the controversy over the summer away even more politics involved in various showdowns, citizens, more and more convinced that it can not find the necessary support to institutions out of their difficulties.
" If people lose confidence in politicians - remember in his opening address to the Assembly of the CEI (November 8, 2010) Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco - fatally withdraws into herself, drops the momentum participatory, everything becomes heavy and twisted, but most is not the ability to articulate and dynamic unity that is absolutely necessary to address the obstacles and look to the future of the country .
This detachment is a tare on the future of everyone, especially the younger generation. The risk was highlighted in a special initiative launched last November 13 by Catholic Action, which met in Rome local administrators trained in the ranks of the association. Were administrators from all political, convinced, however, that there is, its territories, a surplus of will and intelligence to gather around the key issues without ideological barriers and belonging. This is the modern democracy that Italy, unheard, been calling for.
And about the new generations, we have witnessed appalled at the violence of December 14 in Rome, while he was in the process of vote of confidence. What happened has exceeded acceptable limit: the destruction of public places, brought the danger to citizens and tourists, the clash with the police, the eloquent display of violence and provocation do not belong to the culture of the Italian youth, students, university and the precarious universities. The war report issued a few hours after the fact really leaves a bad taste in his mouth and calls on all extra food for thought. It is known to most that these manifestations of violence are always multiple reasons, including the mobilization of all dangerous fringe organized. Catholic Action, in which thousands of young people participating in the margins of these events but would like to propose an additional factor. Several times he complained about the severe frustration of the younger generation afflicted by insecurity wild, low horizons, perspectives, much darker than they had before their fathers. Over time, dramatically, they have closed many of the areas of exchange between adults and young people. The gerontocracy often complained of is not only the occupation of positions of power by people in later years, but also the water resistance of many institutions to the ideas and sensibilities of young people. Political parties, unions, schools, universities, the voluntary sector are likely to give up its own proverbial task: to convey in the seeds of new public dialogue that always come from new generations. In the absence of places where there is a real discussion and real listening, what remains of the young? A lifeless acceptance of the status quo? Every act of violence queries all, who builds and who suffers: what you do every day to avoid it? dialogue between social partners, particularly with young people, is one of the urgencies of the historical moment . Surrender in the name of their own ideas and beliefs only leads to a dead end. We would, from this point of view, highlight the particular contribution of associations such as Catholic Action, which have as their own full protagonist, in fact, adults, young people and children.
Crushed But what happens within our borders, into an abyss of provincialism typical of our country, we close our eyes to the tragedies and even bigger problems: the plight of the poor (think of indifference to the cholera to Haiti), persecution on religious grounds, the permanent war scenarios. Makeover then constantly appealed to the generosity and solidarity towards those who suffer real, unconditionally and without ulterior motives. Wrapped in a dark climate, we can not forget you are citizens of the world, and that our fortunes are increasingly intertwined. It is also for this reason that the Catholic Action and the balance keeps alive their relationship with the Holy Land, a crossroads of hope and conflict. In these festivals, so many members of the association, together with the National President, pilgrims will be in those lands, to rediscover the full meaning of a humanity that demands for peace, justice and solidarity.
Hope Catholic Action wants to keep alive is not random. The constant relationship with the area highlights many human resources, political, professional, social, business, cultural and environmental factors that are in motion, not dejected and discouraged. These resources should help urgently, however, the greatest resource: the civic participation of everyone, the widespread interest to the public sphere, education and social policy that makes every man and woman and free to decide, act, denounce , announce. Catholic Action warned all the urgency of increasing its contribution to qualify: offering courses in the faith which the gospel illuminates not only the personal dimension, but also the community life, favoring a higher meaning of the study, research and work for the common good, supporting the training of young people and adults who want to engage in politics, social issues, culture and rights, trying to build networks with all men of good will, for the attention of the community should be on the major problems of families and individuals.
At the conclusion of this reflection, do not look like the 150 years anniversary of the unification of Italy, at which a considerable contribution has been given just by Catholics, often grown in the ranks of Catholic Action, which must feeling among the members founders of our country.
sure that these feelings belong to the real majority of the country, to renew the heart of all the warmest wishes for a peaceful Christmas.
Rome, December 22, 2010