Ecclesial Communities Mineo
Don Sturzo: a witness of love and the courage to choose freedom
At the 50th anniversary of the death of the Servant of God Fr Luigi Sturzo Ecclesial Communities of Mineo promote and organize the
Week sturziana
09 -16 May 2010
Intercultural Center John Paul II
Sunday, May 9
17.00 Exhibition opening on Don Luigi Sturzo and some figures of priests Mineo. Sturza exhibition of the works of the competition.
19.30 pm Mass in the parish of Saint Agrippina with the participation of civil and military authorities
At the 50th anniversary of the death of the Servant of God Fr Luigi Sturzo Ecclesial Communities of Mineo promote and organize the
Week sturziana
09 -16 May 2010
Intercultural Center John Paul II
Sunday, May 9
17.00 Exhibition opening on Don Luigi Sturzo and some figures of priests Mineo. Sturza exhibition of the works of the competition.
19.30 pm Mass in the parish of Saint Agrippina with the participation of civil and military authorities
Monday, May 10
19.30 Hours Conference - debate "Don Luigi Sturzo , a witness of love and freedom "
turned to politics and work. Intervene Don Alfio Spampinato
Wednesday, May 12
Conference 19.30 pm - Debate life and ideals of Don Luigi Sturzo "
for the world of culture. Intervene Don Gianni Zavatteri
Saturday, May 15
Conference 19.30 pm - Debate Don Sturzo and political charity "
given citizenship. Intervene Don Salvatore MilleSoli .